check.pib command

The check.pib command displays the PIB information, such as PIB status, virtual return stack, workspace status, any basic programs being executed, as well as locks, peqs, files, items, connections and other objects being used by that PIB.


check.pib {pib.number} {command} (options


pib.number PIB file number (from 0 to 273).
command Optional commands are:
All Captures all data.
Summary Captures summary page.
Lock Captures lock page.
Where Captures where page.
Checkws Captures check-ws page.
Pibstat Captures pibstat page.
Loggedon Captures loggedon page.
Spooler Captures spooler page.
Running Captures running page.
options f Captures information to dm,check.pib.log, file when using an optional command.

The check.pib command displays PIB information including:

  • Current tape assignment.

  • Full virtual return stack (all levels and license information).

  • Status of the PIB based upon PIBSTAT.

  • Workspace status based upon CHECK-WS.

  • Logon information, including device and connection details including client IP address/Hostname and socket number for turnkey PIBs.

  • Any locks that are being held by the PIB and any locks that the PIB is waiting for.

  • The PIBs current spooler assignment and any print jobs that have been created on that PIB.

  • Basic program name(s) running if available, including any subroutines it may be calling or have called.

  • The last file referenced (base frame number or file name if index created) if available.

  • The item-ID of the last item referenced (read or write)

  • The last few entries of the tcl-stack for the user on the PIB or if the I option set on user logged on, the last few entries for the pib.

The check.pib command can also LOGOFF the PIB and TANDEM to the PIB from within check.pib.

Optionally uses index on the file-of-files based on the base frame ID field ( create-index file-of-files a4(g1*1) )