change-file command

The change-file command changes the File Definition Code of a file.


CHANGE-FILE filename [(options)]

CHANGE-FILE account-name,dict-name,data-name [(options)]

CHANGE-FILE DICT filename [(options)]

CHANGE-FILE DATA {filename | dict-name,data-name} [(options)]

CHANGE-FILE M/DICT account-name [(options)]


DICT Specifies the file dictionary.
DATA Specifies the data file.
M/DICT Specifies the system dictionary.
filename Name of the file.
dict-name,data-name Full name of the file.

Use this format to change a data file that is one of multiple files associated with a single dictionary.

options The following options are supported:
A Changes the file or account and all sub-files.
R Changes the definition code of a file in another account.
U Changes the file to a DT-type file.
X Changes the file to a DX-type file, indicating that the file will not be saved during a file-save. The file will not exist following a file-restore.
Y Changes the file to a DY-type file, indicating that only the file sizing parameters will be saved, not its data, during a file-save. The file will be empty following a file-restore.
Z Changes the file to a DX-type file, indicating that the file will not be saved during a file-save. The file will not exist following a file-restore.


If the change-file command is used without an option, the default definition code is D. The X or Z and Y options cannot be specified together.

The options are not added in this case, but they replace whatever is there.


Changing a File Definition Code

The following example changes the definition code of a data file (SALES) to a DX-type file: