auto-logoff command

The auto-logoff command automatically logs off a specified process after either a designated period of inactivity or the loss of an incoming DTR signal.


 auto-logoff target [seconds] [(options)]


target Includes any of these:
account Specifies any process where the account is logged on.
n Specifies a process number.
n-m Specifies a range of process numbers.
seconds Number of seconds of CPU inactivity before the process is automatically logged off.
options The following options are supported. Options must be enclosed in parentheses.
C Turns off automatic logoff for the specified process or processes.
D Monitors the incoming DTR signal for the specified process and performs an automatic logoff if none is detected.
U Allows timeouts to be set that are associated with a user name.


The auto-logoff command is used to automatically log off processes after they have been idle for a certain period of time, or when a modem line is disconnected.

If neither seconds nor options are specified, the current auto-logoff settings for the specified processes display.

Additionally, the auto-logoff command:
  • Can reduce the risk of an unattended terminal on a system-wide, or a pib-by-pib, basis.
  • Will not force a process to log off that is currently logged on.

    The auto-logoff command only takes effect after the process has been logged off and logged back on again.

  • Can be included in the user-coldstart Proc to set system-wide, auto-logoff parameters.

Automatic Logoff for Inactive Processes

You can specify that any process be automatically logged off if it has been idle for a certain period of time. This is done by executing the auto-logoff command before the current logon session of the target process.

For best results, add the auto-logoff command to the user-coldstart Proc in the master dictionary of the DM account. When the time is up, process control will be redirected to the command specified by the timeout setting.

Note: The auto-logoff command should always be set for communication lines.

If you want to see the current settings for any process, enter the following without seconds or options: auto-logoff target

The auto-logoff command can be included in the user-coldstart Proc to set system-wide, auto-logoff parameters.

The auto-logoff command invokes the defined timeout trap when the idle timeout has occurred. If the timeout trap has been deleted, this will result in <cr> being sent to the process.

Automatic Logoff for Line Disconnects

You can use the D option of the auto-logoff command to force an automatic logoff if a modem line is disconnected. The D option enables the system to monitor the incoming DTR signal for the specified target. When the monitor detects a loss of the DTR signal, process control will be redirected to the command specified in the timeout trap.

Monitoring the incoming DTR signal requires that cabling be set up correctly. Refer to the documentation for your modem for specific cabling requirements.

Automatic logoff will interrupt and abort a program or Proc that is waiting at an input prompt, which could result in a corruption of the database. The process will be interrupted only if it is idle and waiting for input. Processing loops and the sleep command are not affected.


Example 1

This example specifies that process number 9 will be automatically logged off after 600 seconds (10 minutes) of CPU inactivity:

 >auto-logoff 9 600

Example 2

This example specifies that the orders account be automatically logged off after 1200 seconds (twenty minutes) of CPU inactivity:

 >auto-logoff orders 1200

Example 3

This example logs off line 1 after 10 seconds of inactivity:

 >auto-logoff 1 10

Example 4

This example logs off lines 2 through 4 after 5 seconds of inactivity:

 >auto-logoff 2-4 5

Example 5

This example logs off line 1 if it becomes disconnected:

 >auto-logoff 1 (D

Example 6

This example logs off lines 2 through 4 if they become disconnected:

 >auto-logoff 2-4 (D

Example 7

This example clears the auto-logoff command settings for line 1:

 >auto-logoff 1(C

Example 8

This example clears the auto-logoff command settings for lines 2 through 4:

 >auto-logoff 2-4 (C

Example 9

This example displays the auto-logoff command settings for line 1:

 >auto-logoff 1

Example 10

This example displays the auto-logoff command settings for lines 2 through 4:

 >auto-logoff 2-4

See also

timeout command