Editing TCL commands

The TCL editor uses the Update processor to enter commands, so the TCL editor commands are similar to the Update processor commands. A TCL command may be created and edited as if it were a paragraph. Pressing CTRL+M or Enter within the TCL command processes the entry.

The TCL editor is initially in the overtype mode. To toggle between overtype and insert mode, press CTRL+R. The following commands function the same in the TCL editor as they do in the Update processor.

CTRL+ B Moves cursor up one line.
CTRL+ E Deletes to end of sentence (command).
CTRL+ G Moves cursor to end of sentence (command).
CTRL+ H Backspace and replaces character with space.
CTRL+ I Goes to next tab position on line.
CTRL+ J Moves cursor left.
CTRL+ K Moves cursor right.
CTRL+ L Deletes character.
CTRL+ M Insert mode. Processes the entry when the cursor is at the end of a line; inserts a carriage return/line feed (CR/LF) when the cursor is within the line.
CTRL+ N Moves cursor down one line.
CTRL+ O Deletes from cursor to end of word.
CTRL+ R Toggles between overtype and insert modes.
CTRL+ T Moves cursor to beginning of command.
CTRL+ U Moves cursor to next word.
CTRL+ W Inserts single space.
CTRL+ X Exits TCL command and leaves just the TCL prompt.
CTRL+ Y Moves cursor back one word.
CTRL+ ZZ Undo last delete.