Configuring a Windows printer for the Windows GDI driver

Configuring a Windows printer for the Windows GDI Driver entails creating the Windows printer device and then associating a spooler assignment with the Windows printer control item in the DEVICES file.

  1. Run the dev-make command to configure a Windows printer. This requires specifying a printer type of NTPrinter and a printer path appended with ,wingdiprinter. For example:

    dev-make –t NTPrinter -n 100 -a “\\Svr-print\SPP-HP4200,wingdiprinter”
    Note: If the printer path doesn’t have ,wingdiprinter appended to it, the standard printer process code is configured. See dev-make command (Windows) for more information on creating printer devices.
  2. Run the startptr command to start the printer.

  3. Execute the assignfq and sp-assign commands to associate a spooler assignment with the Windows printer control item in the DEVICES file. The example below illustrates associating a spooler assignment with a Windows printer control item:

    assignfq 1,wincontrolitem
    sp-assign f1

    where wincontrolitem  is the Windows printer control item (DEVICES file, item ID, wincontrolitem).

    Warning: The specified wincontrolitem is limited to a maximum of 12 characters.

    See sp-assign command and assignfq (Windows) command for more information on associating spooler assignments.

  4. Create a program that employs @() function codes to embed character sequences into the print data stream. See the Program Examples section below for examples.

Program examples

Example 1

The example below illustrates a program that prints text to a specified location (x,y coordinates) on the paper.

001 *
002 ** Set output to printer
003 *
004      PRINTER ON
005 *
006 ** Set location (x,y coordinate)
007 *
008      PRINT @(-350,600): @(-351,900):
009 *
010 ** Print to specified location
011 *
013 *
014 ** Reset output to printer
015 *
016      PRINTER OFF
017 *
018      STOP
Example 2

The example below illustrates a program that prints an ellipse graphic.

001 *
002 ** Set output to printer
003 *
004      PRINTER ON
005 *
006 ** Load brush fields
007 *
008      x = @(-324,0) ;* style
009      x = @(-325,12237498) ;* color
010      x = @(-326,0) ;* hatch style
011 *
012 ** Create brush and assign as brush number 3
013 *
014      PRINT @(-341,3):
015 *
016 ** Select brush number 3 as current brush
017 *
018      PRINT @(-348,3):
019 *
020 ** Set rectangle 2 (left, top, right, bottom)
021 *
022      x = @(-304,2)
023      x = @(-332,900)
024      x = @(-333,800)
025      x = @(-334,2200)
026      x = @(-335,1100)
027 *
028 ** Draw ellipse with rectangle 2
029 *
030      PRINT @(-364,2):
031 *
032 ** Set location (x,y coordinate)
033 *
034      PRINT @(-350,1200): @(-351,900):
035 *
036 ** Print line at specified
037 ** location within ellipse
038 *
040 *
041 ** Reset output to printer
042 *
043      PRINTER OFF
044 *
045      STOP
Example 3

The example below illustrates a program that prints text using a specific font.

001 *
002 ** Set output to printer
003 *
004      PRINTER ON
005 *
006 ** Load font fields
007 *
008      x = @(-310,265) ;* character height
009      x = @(-311,100) ;* character width
010      x = @(-312,0) ;* escapement angle
011      x = @(-313,0) ;* orientation angle
012      x = @(-314,700) ;* weight
013      x = @(-315,0) ;* italic flag
014      x = @(-316,1) ;* underline flag
015      x = @(-317,0) ;* strike out flag
016      x = @(-318,1) ;* character set
017      x = @(-319,0) ;* output precision
018      x = @(-320,0) ;* pitch and family
019      x = @(-321,2) ;* font name
020 *
021 ** Create font and assign as font number 1
022 *
023      PRINT @(-340,1):
024 *
025 ** Select font number 1 as current font
026 *
027      PRINT @(-347,1):
028 *
029 ** Set location (x,y coordinate)
030 *
031      PRINT @(-350,600): @(-351,900):
032 *
033 ** Print line using selected font
034 *
036 *
037 ** Reset output to printer
038 *
039      PRINTER OFF
040 *
041      STOP
Example 4

The example below illustrates a program that prints text in landscape orientation.

001 *
002 ** Set output to printer
003 *
004      PRINTER ON
005 *
006 ** Select landscape orientation
007 *
008      PRINT @(-357,2):
009 *
010 ** Print line using selected font
011 *
013 *
014 ** Close print job, open a new one
015 *
016      PRINTER OFF
018      PRINTER ON
019 *
020 ** Select portrait orientation
021 *
022      PRINT @(-357,1):
023 *
024 ** Print line using selected font
025 *
027 *
028 ** Reset output to printer
029 *
030      PRINTER OFF
031 *
032      STOP