object.queue file

D3 shares FlashBASIC object code between all processes running a given program. While this vastly decreases memory requirements, it also opens the possibility of one user compiling a program while another user is concurrently running that same routine. This circumstance tends to produce random, unexplainable aborts that can be difficult to track on large systems.

When protection is enabled, all previous revisions of FlashBASIC object code are kept in the same dictionary group, but are marked as deleted. These deleted items are automatically cleared during the save process. This allows compiling programs while they are currently being executed. Users running a given program when that program is compiled continues to run the old version. If a user drops out of the program, to TCL, for example, and re-executes the program, the system executes the newest object version.

Old BASIC object code is moved to the dm,object.queue, file where it is eventually deleted. By default, object code remains in this file until 1000 (default) subsequent compiles (of any program) are performed. To increase this number, use basic-prot ##, where ## is the new queue size. To make the number infinite (or virtually infinite), use 0. When this number of compiles is performed, a message is logged to the errors file.