t (translate) processing code

The t processing code uses the presented value as an item-ID and attempts to retrieve the corresponding item in another file to obtain a value from one of its attributes to substitute.

The attribute referenced in attribute 2 of the attribute-defining item is assumed to represent an item-ID in the specified file reference, except in cases where the item-id is derived, such as in the case f;3;2;*(tabc;x;;1).

System Processors Select, Update, List
Code Type Attribute Defining
Dictionary Attributes Input Conversion, Output Conversion, Correlative




file.reference Name of the lookup file.
subcode Designates how to behave if the requested item is not on the lookup file. Available subcode options are:
c If the item in the translate file does not exist or the specified attribute is null, the original value is used.
i Verifies input only. This subcode option functions as a v subcode for input, and as a c subcode for output.
o Verifies output only. This subcode functions as a c subcode for input and as a v subcode for output.
v Specifies that the item-id must exist in the lookup file and the specified attribute must have a value; otherwise, an error message displays. This is for verification only and the item-ID is the only data returned.
x If the item in the translate file does not exist or the specified attribute is null, a null value is returned.
vc Value count is used with MultiValue attributes, and specifies the MultiValue position to be returned. For example, if an attribute contains six MultiValues, and the value count is four, the fourth MultiValue is returned. If the specified MultiValue contains subvalues, the subvalues are returned concatenated with spaces. Alternately, an asterisk can be specified as the value count, when following the c or x subcode.

If the value count is not specified, all the MultiValues in the attribute are returned, concatenated with spaces.

svc Optional. Sub-value count is used within a MultiValue and specifies the subvalue position to be returned. For example, if a MultiValue contains six subvalues, and the value count is four, the fourth subvalue is returned.

Can only be specified if a value count is specified.

* Used when translating a MultiValue attribute into a MultiValue attribute. For example, when processing the third value of a MultiValue attribute, the third value of the translated attribute is returned. If the corresponding value does not exist, a null is returned.
inac Input attribute count specifies the attribute number used as the item-ID in the file specified by the file reference, and the translated value is retrieved from the attribute specified by the input attribute count. If the input attribute count is not specified, no input translation takes place.
outac Output attribute count specifies the attribute number used for output. When a listing is generated using AQL, the attribute values specified are looked up in the file specified by the file reference and the attribute specified by the output attribute count is listed instead of the original value.
breakac Break attribute count, if specified, is used instead of the output attribute count (outac) during the listing of break-on and total lines.