t command (PROC processor)

The t command directs output to the terminal screen and controls special terminal display functions.


t {function, function,...}


function b Rings the terminal bell.
c Clears the terminal screen.
(column,row) Outputs the value at the column and row coordinates.
in Outputs ASCII character with an integer value of n.
xn Outputs ASCII character with integer hexadecimal value of n.
"text" Outputs literal text. Double quotation marks are required around literal text.
@ See @() function for a complete listing of the @ functions.
, (comma) Indicates that this t command is to be continued on the next line. The t command does not insert a carriage return automatically.


Clears the screen, (-1) positions the cursor at column 20, row 0, and displays the string Main Menu.

t (-1),(20,0),"Main Menu"

Positions the cursor to column 10, row 10, displays the string "Chosen" in reverse video, (-13) and (-14), and clears to the end of the line (-4).

t (10,10),(-13),"Chosen",(-14),(-4)

t (0,5),"Is this OK ?"
t i8,i8

This set of instructions:

  • Sets the input buffer pointer to the first position with s1.

  • Places a y in the first input buffer position with ihy.

  • Outputs the string "Is this OK ?" at column 0, row 5.

  • Displays the contents of the first buffer position and holds the cursor with d1+.

  • Outputs two backspaces with t i8,i8.

  • Prompts for input with ip?. This displays the default value y, backs up the cursor two positions so that it is one character in front of the y and then issues a ? prompt character that places the cursor directly over the y.

t c,i7,(10,10),b

This statement clears the screen with c, rings the bell by issuing a character 7 with i7, positions the cursor at column 10, row 10, and rings the bell again with b.

t x1b,x8,"exec dir",x0

This statement is typically used to control an intelligent MS-DOS terminal (such as ViaDuct). It sends a preamble, consisting of an escape, backspace (x1b and x8, specified in hexadecimal), then sends the "exec dir" command string followed by the end command character x0. This statement can be written using integer references:

t i27,i8,"exec dir",i0