
_CP_execute is equivalent to the execute command capturing string1 returning string2 BASIC statement.


int _CP_execute(int type, CPSTR* command, CPSTR** string1, CPSTR** string2)

The proper variation of execute is indicated by one of the following codes which should be passed as the type parameter:

_CP_EXECUTE execute command
_CP_EXECUTE_C execute command capturing string1
_CP_EXECUTE_R execute command returning string2
_CP_EXECUTE_CR execute command capturing string1 returning string2


This function returns -1 if an error occurs. The error code is contained in _CP_errno.


/* Gets information about the current user. */
CPSTR * s = _CP_mkstr("who");
CPSTR * c = _CP_str_null;
CPSTR * r = _CP_str_null;
_CP_execute(_CP_EXECUTE_CR, s, &c, &r);