/ command

The / command references and optionally alters the contents of variables within the run-time code being executed.


{flash.routine.name:}/dim.array.variable(row.num, col.num)


*/variable Accesses a plain variable and displays its current value.
*/dim.array.variable Displays each element of a dimensioned array. If a dimensioned array is referenced without a subscript, each element displays, one at a time. To exit this display without stepping through all the elements, press BREAK, or enter any non-null value. The non-null value will not replace any element displayed. The contents of the array cannot be altered.
*/dim.array.variable (vector.number) Accesses a single-dimensioned array variable. With the vector number designated, only that element displays. This can also access a two-dimensional array and assumes the second vector number is 1.
*/dim.array.variable (row.num,col.num) Accesses a specific location of a two-dimensional array.
*/* Displays the current assignment of every variable in the program. Typically, programs have a lot of variables. This function does not paginate. Pressing BREAK interrupts this runaway variable display and returns to the debugger prompt.

In each of the above cases (except the dim.array.variable form), the operator is given the opportunity to change the requested value. If you press ENTER at the = prompt, the symbol remains unchanged. Otherwise, any value entered is placed into the variable.

Note: flash.routine.name can only be specified if the program has been optimized through the FlashBASIC compiler. When flash.routine.name is specified, the corresponding debugger command is executed against the specified routine. The colon separating flash.routine.name and the debugger command is required.