m command (FlashBASIC Debugger)

The m command toggles modal trapping on and off.




A modal trap occurs whenever an external subroutine is called, returned from, or when a mainline program enters another mainline program. In response to the modal trap, type the m command to toggle the modal trap ON or OFF depending on the trap’s previous state.

When a modal trap occurs, it will be indicated by entering the BASIC debugger (*), and one of these prompts appears:

*MCxxx Indicates the modal trap was caused by a CALL statement.

xxx indicates the source code line number in the entered program (should be line 1).

*MRxxx Indicates the modal trap was caused by a RETURN from the called subroutine.

xxx indicates the source code line number in the calling program where the return occurred.

*MExxx Indicates the modal trap was caused by an ENTER statement.

xxx indicates the source code line number in the entered program (should be line 1).

In response to the previous modal traps, type the m command at the * prompt to toggle the modal trap ON or OFF. While in this mode, using the g command will resume execution until the next modal trap occurs.


Example 1

This example shows one main program calling a subroutine:

 001 debug
 002 print "calling sub"
 003 call subr
 004 print "returned from sub"

 001 subroutine subr
 002 print "in the sub"
 003 return10

Example 2

This example shows program execution showing modal trapping on:


 *m on
 *g calling sub
 *MC subr 1
 *g in the sub
 *MR main 3
 *g returned from sub