u00ba user exit

The u00ba user exit performs BIOS INT 10 calls to change the video screen attributes on the console.


result = iconv(registers, ’u00ba’)


registers Dynamic array containing the values for the A, B, C, and D registers in the form:
registers<1> AX register (AH:AL)
registers<2> BX register (BH:BL)
registers<3> CX register (CH:CL)
registers<4> DX register (DH:DL)


Below is a partial listing of the functions available through the INT 10 call:

00 Determine or set video state.
01 Set cursor type.
02 Set cursor position.
03 Read cursor position.
04 Read light pen.
05 Select active page.
06 Scroll page up.
07 Scroll page down.
08 Read character attribute.
09 Write character and attribute.
0A Write character.
0B Set color palette.
0C Write dot.
0D Read dot.
0E Write TTY.
0F Return current video state.
10 Set palette registers.
11 Character generator routine (EGA and above).
12 Alternate select (EGA and above).
13 Write string.
14 Load LCD character font.
15 Return physical display parameters.
1A Display combination code.
1B Functionality/state information.
1C Save/restore video state.