ta() function

The ta() function returns the number of characters in the type-ahead buffer for the current process or for any other process.




expr An expression evaluating to the line number of the process to be checked.

If expr evaluates to any negative number, the number of characters in the type-ahead buffer for the current process is returned.

If expr evaluates to a number greater than the allowable maximum number of users, -1 is returned to indicate an error.


When the type-ahead feature is on for a process, the ta() function returns the number of characters in the type-ahead buffer. The type-ahead buffer holds a maximum of 127 characters at a time. If the type-ahead feature is off, the ta() function returns 0.

To toggle the type-ahead feature on and off for the current process, the ta on and ta off statements may be used. To clear the type-ahead buffer for the current process, the ta clear or inputclear statement can be used.

See ta statement for more information on controlling the type-ahead feature for the current process or for any other process.


crt "Target process": ; input process
if process = "" then stop
crt "Chars in ta buff for process ":process:" is ":ta(process)