%sendto() function

The %sendto() sends data to a specified destination. If no errors occur, the total number of bytes sent is returned.


code = %sendto(socket, buffer, buflen, flags, HostName, port)


socket File descriptor for the local socket.
buffer Data to send.
buflen Length of the data in bytes.
flags Should be zero.
HostName Destination target server name.
port Port number for the target server.


* Open a connection through UDP/IP.
cfunction socket.builtin
include dm,bp,includes sysid.inc
include dm,bp,unix.h socket.h
equ ip_port to 3176
* Get the host name.
tclread line
host = field(trim(line),' ',2)
* Create a socket
fd=%socket( AF$INET, SOCK$DGRAM, 0)
if fd<0 then print "Open error: ":system(0); stop
port=%bind( fd, AF$INET, INADDR$ANY, ip_port )
leng = 4; err = "    "
x = %getsockopt(fd,SOL$SOCKET,SO$ERROR,&err,&leng)
prompt ""
print "command: ":; input cmd
ln = len(cmd)
MaxPack = int(ln/242)+1
for x = 1 to MaxPack
   Buffer = "ExEC":x 'r%4':MaxPack 'r%4':cmd[((x-1)*242)+1,242]:space(242)
   n = %sendto(fd, Buffer, 256, 0, &host, ip_port)
   if n < 0 then
      print "Write error: ":system(0)
next x
* Loop reading the Result packets
bigbuff = ""; packcnt = 0
   addr=0;  port=0
   buffer = space(256)
   length=%recvfrom( fd, buffer, 256, 0, &addr, &port)
   if length<0 then print "Read Error: ":system(0)
   PackSeq = buffer[5,4] 
   MaxPack = buffer[9,4]
   packcnt += 1
   bigbuff[1+((PackSeq-1)*242),242] = buffer[13,242]
until packcnt = MaxPack do repeat
* print the buffer
cnt = dcount(bigbuff,char(254))
for x = 1 to cnt
   print bigbuff<x>
next x
* Close the socket
%close( fd )