%memcopy() function

The %memcopy() function copies characters from the memory area specified by s2 into s1, stopping after the first occurrence of the character designated by character has been copied, or after the number of characters specified by length have been copied, whichever comes first.


var = (char*)%memcopy(s1, s2, (char) character, length)


var Pointer to the character after the copy of character in s1 or a null pointer if c is found in the first length characters of s2.
s1 Can be a FlashBASIC string or a pointer to a character. If s1 is a D3 string, the value returned by this function, except null, has no meaning.
s2 Can be a FlashBASIC string or a pointer to a character.
character Character to copy.
length Number of characters to copy.
Note: If the source string contains a segment mark (x’ff’), the string is truncated.