%encrypt() function

The %encrypt() function encrypts a string. The appropriate OpenSSL libraries must be present to use this function. See your platform-specific System Administration Guide for details.


code = %encrypt(params, inputstring, outputstring, &outputstring length)


code Return code representing the result of the function.
params A dynamic array containing the following information:
Algorithm (Supported algorithms are Crypto$Algorithm$AES128 and Crypto$Algorithm$AES256).
Length of input string.
Size of output buffer.
Clear text key (must be 16 bytes long for AES128 and 32 bytes long for AES256). If the clear text key is null, the default key will be used.
inputstring Input string.
outputstring Output string.
outputstring length Length of the encrypted string.


This function returns an integer to the code variable as follows:

0 Success
-1 Error
-2 Invalid keysize (must be 16 bytes for AES128 and 32 bytes for AES256)
-3 Output buffer too small. The output string buffer must be pre-allocated. For AES128, the size must be a minimum of twice the size of the input buffer for the %encrypt() function to work. For AES256, the size must be the size of the input buffer rounded up to the next multiple of 32 with at least one extra 32-byte block. The return parameter outputstring length denotes the actual length of the encrypted string.
-4 Encryption libraries are not loaded.


The following example illustrates encrypting and decrypting a user-provided string using AES128:

* encryptAES128Test
open 'sqldemo,customers,' to file then
  read item from file,"1" then
    dataItem = item<6>
      call encryptAES128.sub(dataItem,errMsg) ;* now do the encryption
      if errMsg = "" then
        writev dataItem on file,"1",6
      end else
        crt errMsg
* End of source

subroutine encryptAES128.sub(dataItem,errMsg)
include dm,bp,includes crypto.inc
* Key must be 16 characters long
key = "1234567890123456"'l%16'
* now do the encryption
dataLen = len(dataItem)*2
char encrItem[ dataLen ]
cryptoParams = ""
cryptoParams< Crypto$P$Algorithm > = Crypto$Algorithm$AES128
cryptoParams< Crypto$P$inputlength > = Len(dataItem)
cryptoParams< Crypto$P$outputLength > = dataLen
cryptoParams< Crypto$P$ClearKey > = key
encryptedLen = 0
gp.result = %Encrypt(cryptoParams, dataItem, encrItem, &encryptedLen)
if gp.result < 0 then
  errMsg = "Encryption failed: " : gp.result
end else
  dataItem = encrItem[1, encryptedLen] ;* MANDATORY trim of buffer padding
  errMsg = ""
* End of source

* decryptAES128Test
open 'sqldemo,customers,' to file then
  read item from file,"1" then
    dataItem = item<6>
      call decryptAES128.sub(dataItem,errMsg) ;* now do the decryption
      if errMsg = "" then
        writev dataItem on file,"1",6
      end else
        crt errMsg
* End of source

subroutine decryptAES128.sub(dataItem,errMsg)
include dm,bp,includes crypto.inc
* Key must be 16 characters long
key = "1234567890123456"'l%16'
encrItem = dataItem
encryptedLen = len(encrItem)
* now do the decryption
char decrItem[Len(encrItem)]
cryptoParams = ""
cryptoParams< Crypto$P$Algorithm > = Crypto$Algorithm$AES128
cryptoParams< Crypto$P$inputLength > = encryptedLen
cryptoParams< Crypto$P$outputLength > = Len(decrItem)
cryptoParams< Crypto$P$ClearKey > = key
decryptedLen = 0
gp.result = %Decrypt(cryptoParams, encrItem, decrItem, &decryptedLen)
if gp.result < 0 then
  errMsg = "Decryption failed: " : gp.result
end else
  dataItem = encrItem[1, encryptedLen] ;* MANDATORY trim of buffer padding
  errMsg = ""
dataItem = decrItem
* End of source

The following example illustrates encrypting and decrypting a user-provided string using AES256 (D3 versions 10.3.4 and later):

* encryptAES256Test
open 'sqldemo,customers,' to file then
  read item from file,"1" then
    dataItem = item<6>
      call encryptAES256.sub(dataItem,errMsg) ;* now do the encryption
      if errMsg = "" then
        writev dataItem on file,"1",6
      end else
        crt errMsg
* End of source

subroutine encryptAES256.sub(dataItem,errMsg)
include dm,bp,includes crypto.inc
* Key must be 32 characters long
key = "12345678901234567890123456789012"'l%32'
* now do the encryption
dataLen = (int(len(dataItem)/32)+2)*32
char encrItem[ dataLen ]
cryptoParams = ""
cryptoParams< Crypto$P$Algorithm > = Crypto$Algorithm$AES256
cryptoParams< Crypto$P$inputlength > = Len(dataItem)
cryptoParams< Crypto$P$outputLength > = dataLen
cryptoParams< Crypto$P$ClearKey > = key
encryptedLen = 0
gp.result = %Encrypt(cryptoParams, dataItem, encrItem, &encryptedLen)
if gp.result < 0 then
  errMsg = "Encryption failed: " : gp.result
end else
  dataItem = encrItem[1, encryptedLen] ;* MANDATORY trim of buffer padding
  errMsg = ""
* End of source

* decryptAES256Test
open 'sqldemo,customers,' to file then
  read item from file,"1" then
    dataItem = item<6>
      call decryptAES256.sub(dataItem,errMsg) ;* now do the decryption
      if errMsg = "" then
        writev dataItem on file,"1",6
      end else
        crt errMsg
* End of source

subroutine decryptAES256.sub(dataItem,errMsg)
include dm,bp,includes crypto.inc
* Key must be 32 characters long
key = "12345678901234567890123456789012"'l%32'
encrItem = dataItem
encryptedLen = len(encrItem)
* now do the decryption
char decrItem[Len(encrItem)]
cryptoParams = ""
cryptoParams< Crypto$P$Algorithm > = Crypto$Algorithm$AES256
cryptoParams< Crypto$P$inputLength > = encryptedLen
cryptoParams< Crypto$P$outputLength > = Len(decrItem)
cryptoParams< Crypto$P$ClearKey > = key
decryptedLen = 0
gp.result = %Decrypt(cryptoParams, encrItem, decrItem, &decryptedLen)
if gp.result < 0 then
  errMsg = "Decryption failed: " : gp.result
end else
  dataItem = encrItem[1, encryptedLen] ;* MANDATORY trim of buffer padding
  errMsg = ""
dataItem = decrItem
* End of source