%accept() function

The %accept() function extracts the first connection on the queue of pending connections, creates a new socket, and allocates a new file descriptor.


code = %accept(fd, &address, &port)


fd File descriptor of the local socket returned by a previous call to the FlashBASIC C function %socket().
address Originating address of the incoming call.

For IPv4 implementations: The address argument must be an integer.

For IPv6 implementations: The address argument must be a char[xx] where xx specifies a buffer size of at least 46.
port Originating port number or the incoming call.


To compile successfully, the statement cfunction socket.builtin must be included in the source code.

Upon successful completion, the new file descriptor is returned in code and the address and port FlashBASIC variables are updated.

In the case of an error, a value of -1 is returned and the FlashBASIC system(0) function is set to the value of errno.

A legal integer value must be assigned to the port variable and a legal integer value (IPv4) or char array (IPv6)must be assigned to the address variable before the call.


IPv4 Example:

cfunction socket.builtin
include dm,bp,includes sysid.inc
include dm,bp,unix.h socket.h
* Create a socket
fd=%socket(af$inet, sock$stream, 0)
* Bind the socket to a local Ethernet port.
* Use default address.
if %bind(fd, af$inet, inaddr$any, 1024)<0 then
crt ’bind failed’; stop
* Wait for incoming connection
%listen(fd, 1)
* Accept a connection
address=0; port=0
rd2=%accept(fd, &address, &port)
crt "Called by address ":address:", port #":port
* Read data from the data link
%recv(fd2, buffer, 1024)

IPv6 Example:

cfunction socket.builtin
include dm,bp,includes sysid.inc
include dm,bp,unix.h socket.h
* Create a socket
fd=%socket(af$inet6, sock$stream, 0)
* Bind the socket to a local Ethernet port.
* Use default address.
if %bind(fd, af$inet6, inaddr$any, 1024)<0 then
   crt "bind failed"; stop
* Wait for incoming connection
fd2sten(fd, 1)
* Accept a connection
char address[46]
fd2=%accept(fd, &address, &port)
crt "Called by address ":address:", port #":port
* Read data from the data link
%recv(fd2, buffer, 1024)