deffun statement

Use the deffun statement to define a user-written external function (for example, an external sub-routine invoked using CALL).

The deffun statement provides the compiler with information such as the function name, the function number, and the type of arguments. In a program, each user-written function must have a unique definition.


 deffun function {(argument{,argument...})}


function The name of the user-written function.
argument The list of arguments passed to the external function.


Example 1

This block declares the function MYFUNC in the calling program. It uses the function with the statement PRINT MYFUNC(A,B,C):

 deffun myfunc(a,b,c)
 print myfunc(a,b,c)

Example 2

This block defines the previously referenced user-written external function, called MYFUNC, with the arguments A, B, and C:

 function myfunc(a,b,c)
 return a*b*c