Nonfatal error condition

A nonfatal error condition is a type of error that occurs when a BASIC program encounters a condition that is resolved by the BASIC run-time package, although not to the specific need of the program line of code.

The most common occurrence of this is the message:

Variable has not been assigned a value, zero used.

In BASIC, this occurs if a reference is made to a variable on the right side of an = before being referenced (assigned) on the left side of an =. However, in FlashBASIC, the simple assignment of a variable does not check for its value. The value is only checked when used (for example, crt x). The assignment of variables in FlashBASIC is done by reference, rather than by value.


dim array(15)
for i = 1 to 15
array(i) = x

In BASIC this results in 15 nonfatal error messages:

[B10] in program "name", Line 3:
Variable has not been assigned a value; zero used.

In FlashBASIC it does not result in any nonfatal errors. If the array were to be used as a parameter to a BASIC statement or function at that time, the nonfatal error would occur.

dim array(15)
for i = 1 to 15
array(i) = x
crt array(7)

In FlashBASIC this results in one nonfatal error message:

[B10] in program "name", Line 7:
Variable has not been assigned a value; zero used.