Environment variables in triggers

The environment variables that are available when run from a trigger are described in this topic.

Account Database name where the table is located if the trigger is invoked by a non-VME user. Otherwise it's synonymous with LogName.
ClientApp Name of the application that opened the table. This can be the name of the EXE or another name that the client may have set.
ClientComputer Computer name of the client application that opened the table.
ClientProcess An 8-character hexadecimal string-ID of the process that opened the table. If the string is empty, the client is the server itself.
ClientThread An 8-character hexadecimal string-ID of the thread in the client application that opened the table. Note the client thread performing the current I/O is not necessarily the one that opened the table.

When setting an environment variable, the content is valid only for the particular instance of the opened file. In other words, the trigger called on behalf of another client does not have access to the same variable space, and if the file is closed and reopened by the same client, the environment space is reinitialized.

  • Variable names are case-insensitive.

  • If a variable is not set, a null string is returned.