%CoRelease interface

Release a dispatch or COM object when done.


retcode = %CoRelease(Param1, Param2)


Param1 [in] Dispatch object to be released.
Param2 [in] Boolean: FALSE to release just the dispatch object passed-in, TRUE to release the COM object to which this dispatch object belongs.


A Boolean (Success or Fail)

Error Handling

Call CoGetException to get an error description.


  • If releasing a dispatch object, the IDispatch of this object is released and the object is removed from the cache.

  • If releasing a COM object:

  • After release, all variants that have been associated with this COM object are released.

  • After release, all IDispatch that have been associate with this COM object are released.

  • After release, all method names that have been associated with this COM object and its associated IDs (DISPIDs) are released.

  • Clean up whatever you have put in cache.

Note: A call to release a COM object releases all resources associated with this COM object and removes it from the COM object list. This call does not uninitialize the COM library. The user must call %CoUninitialize before terminating the FlashBASIC module.