total modifier

The total modifier accumulates a columnar total for a specified attribute-defining item.

If the total modifier is used in the same sentence as a roll-on, subtotal values are generated whenever a break occurs. The subtotal displays in the appropriate column for each attribute specified in a total modifier. At the end of the listing, a total is generated for each column. In computing the value for accumulation, correlatives (attribute 8) are processed, but conversions (attribute 7) are applied to the totaled value.


total{operator} "value.list"


total-limiter Functions like the value string portion of the selection criteria process, limiting totals to values that pass the specified selection criteria. Name of the attribute whose values are to be totaled.
operator Any legal relational operator, such as =. If no operator is specified, = is assumed.
value.list List of values to match, enclosed in double quotation marks or backslashes.


list invoices total amount total amount (p

list invoices total status "overdue"

list invoices total amount le "300" total amount gt "1000"