conv modifier

The conv modifier substitutes the conversion codes specified in conversion for attribute 7 of the specified Attribute-Defining-Item.


ADI conv "conversion"


ADI Specifies the Attribute-Defining-Item for which the specified conversion will be substituted for attribute 7.
conversion Specifies the conversion codes to use for performing the conversion. The specified conversion must be enclosed in double-quotes.


The example below illustrates a typical file, definition, and a couple of sample outputs.

:ct dict subject short.description
001 a
002 1
007 mct
009 l
010 15

:list subject a1
Page   1     subject                           16:06:27 16 Nov 2009
subject........ a1................................................
readin                   how to read
writin                   how to rite
rithmetic                how to cipher
[405] 3 items listed out of 3 items.
:list subject short.description
Page   1     subject                           16:06:36 16 Nov 2009
subject........ short.description
readin                   how to read
writin                   how to rite
rithmetic                how to cipher
[405] 3 items listed out of 3 items.

Suppose we want the description to be all upper-case, but we don't want to modify the dictionary item. This can be achieved using the conv modifier to override the normal conversion. For example:

:list subject short.description conv "mcu"
Page   1     subject                           16:06:43 16 Nov 2009
subject........ short.description
readin                   HOW TO READ
writin                   HOW TO WRITE
rithmetic                HOW TO CIPHER
[405] 3 items listed out of 3 items.