Hot key commands

Hot keys allow calling FlashBASIC subroutines from dictionaries using the Update processor command CTRL+Xnumber (the value of number is between 0 and 9).

There are 11 dictionary attributes in both the file-defining and attribute-defining items related to hot keys. They are defined as hotkey.all, hotkey0, hotkey1, and so on, through hotkey9.

Hot key subroutine calls are available in addition to subroutine calls from output-conversion, correlative or input-conversion.

To call a FlashBASIC subroutine while in the Update processor on a particular attribute, type CTRL+Xnumber.

Only the programs on one dictionary are executed by each command. There may be more than one subroutine called on an attribute (use CTRL+V to MultiValue call statements).

The subroutine that gets executed is dependent on the following set of priorities:

  • If there is a subroutine called on hotkey.all (attribute 20) in the current attribute-defining item, it is executed, regardless of the value of number.

  • If there is not a subroutine called on hotkey.all, the subroutine called on attribute 20 + number of the current attribute-defining item is executed. Note: If number = 0, the subroutine on hotkey.0 (attribute 30), if present, is executed.

  • If there are no subroutines called in the attribute-defining item, the file-defining item is used.

  • If there is a subroutine called on hotkey.all (attribute 20) in the file-defining item, it is executed, regardless of the value of number.

  • If there is not a subroutine called on hotkey.all, the subroutine called on attribute 20 + number of the current file-defining item is executed. Note: If number = 0, the subroutine on hotkey.0 (attribute 30), if present, is executed.

The hot key commands are:

Command Description
CTRL+X0 Invokes a FlashBASIC subroutine called from dictionary attribute hotkey0. If a subroutine has been defined, it is executed when CTRL+X0 is executed from within an item in the Update processor.
CTRL+X1 Invokes a FlashBASIC subroutine called from dictionary attribute hotkey1. If a subroutine has been defined, it is executed when CTRL+X1 is executed from within an item in the Update processor.
CTRL+X2 Invokes a FlashBASIC subroutine called from dictionary attribute hotkey2. If a subroutine has been defined, it is executed when CTRL+X2 is executed from within an item in the Update processor.
CTRL+X3 Invokes a FlashBASIC subroutine called from dictionary attribute hotkey3. If a subroutine has been defined, it is executed when CTRL+X3 is executed from within an item in the Update processor.
CTRL+X4 Invokes a FlashBASIC subroutine called from dictionary attribute hotkey4. If a subroutine has been defined, it is executed when CTRL+X4 is executed from within an item in the Update processor.
CTRL+X5 Invokes a FlashBASIC subroutine called from dictionary attribute hotkey5. If a subroutine has been defined, it is executed when CTRL+X5 is executed from within an item in the Update processor.
CTRL+X6 Invokes a FlashBASIC subroutine called from dictionary attribute hotkey6. If a subroutine has been defined, it is executed when CTRL+X6 is executed from within an item in the Update processor.
CTRL+X7 Invokes a FlashBASIC subroutine called from dictionary attribute hotkey7. If a subroutine has been defined, it is executed when CTRL+X7 is executed from within an item in the Update processor.
CTRL+X8 Invokes a FlashBASIC subroutine called from dictionary attribute hotkey8. If a subroutine has been defined, it is executed when CTRL+X8 is executed from within an item in the Update processor.
CTRL+X9 Invokes a FlashBASIC subroutine called from dictionary attribute hotkey9. If a subroutine has been defined, it is executed when CTRL+X9 is executed from within an item in the Update processor.

The table below illustrates the rules to interpret hot key references.

Attribute Name Subroutine call Update Processor Command
20 hotkey.all call default CTRL+X0-9
21 hotkey1 call one CTRL+X1
22 hotkey2 call two CTRL+X2
23 hotkey3 call three CTRL+X3
24 hotkey4 call four CTRL+X4
25 hotkey5 call five CTRL+X5
26 hotkey6 call six CTRL+X6
27 hotkey7 call seven CTRL+X7
28 hotkey8 call eight CTRL+X8
29 hotkey9 call nine CTRL+X9
30 hotkey0 call zero CTRL+X0


In this example, when the operator enters CTRL+X1 from the attribute test, the subroutines list.states and are executed. After completes, control returns to the Update processor and remains in the item test.

:ud filename test
dictionary-code a
attribute-count 5
attribute-type l
column-width 20
hotkey1 call list.states