ap.log file

The ap.log file logs all errors and major events occurring on a D3 monitor virtual machine.

This file is created automatically at install time in the directory /usr/tmp and is updated by any D3 monitor virtual machine.

The ap.log is a binary file that grows indefinitely until cleared by the perrpt UNIX command. The syntax of each entry displays below:

struct {
int    log_time;     /* UNIX time */
int    log_key;      /* virtual machine key */
int    log_res0;     /* reserved */
short  log_code;     /* Error code */
short  log_pib;      /* D3 line number */
short  log_res1;     /* reserved */
short  log_len;      /* Optional data length */
char   log_mon[16];  /* Monitor version */
char   log_text[];   /* Optional data */

Each entry is aligned to an (int) boundary. The last (int) of an entry contains the length of the entry so that it can scan the file backward. It can be disabled by issuing perrpt -s.