xonoff command

The xonoff BASIC program disables or enables x-on/x-off on a specified port, or the current port.


xonoff {(options}


options port.number Integer number that indicates the port number.
f Toggles xon/xoff off.
n Toggles xon/xoff on. This is the default setting.
s Suppresses the output of the status message.

When the xon/xoff capability is on, CTRL+S stops the terminal from displaying output and CTRL+Q is used to resume the display. If no options are specified, the status displays.

The xon and xoff commands are used for flow control to printers and other devices.


[1314] xon/off is enabled.

xonoff (f
[1315] xon/off is disabled.

xonoff (n
[1314] xon/off is enabled.