tlqdisplay command

The tlqdisplay command allows you to display the transactions within the transaction queue used by both the D3 Transaction Logger and Hot Backup components. The start location in the transaction queue can be specified.


tlqdisplay (options)


options c Performs a linkage check on the transaction log queue to verify the integrity of the queue.
Warning: Because this option locks the transaction queue during processing, special care must be taken when using this option if you suspect the size of the queue is considerable.
d When used with the m option, displays a portion of the transaction data.
e Copies the first transaction into the dm,hb.log file.
mn Modifies the start position of the transaction queue where n is the logical transaction number to start the queue at.
Warning: The Hot Backup master server must be stopped before using this option.
Warning: Whenever modifying the transaction log queue, use great care to ensure that the master and slave servers remain in sync.
s When used with the m option, suppresses the display of transactions until the desired transaction number is reached.
v Displays the tlqdisplay program version.
u Recalculates the queue frame count.
Warning: Because this option locks the transaction queue during processing, special care must be taken when using this option if you suspect the size of the queue is considerable.

If no options are specified, the transaction log queue displays, listing this information:

TNo Logical transaction number.
Frame Frame ID in hex where transaction starts.
Oset Offset in hex within the frame where the transaction starts.
T Transaction type.
FOF# File-of-files number relating to the transaction.
Data First part of the optional data (depending upon the transaction type).


Displays the current transactions in the transaction log queue.


Modifies the start of the transaction queue to start at logical transaction number 6 in the queue.

tlqdisplay (dm6