tail command

The tail command displays a specified number of trailing lines for each of the items in a specified item-list (that is, the bottom-most lines contained in an item).


tail filename{item.list} {(options}


filename Specifies the file that contains the item-list from which to display the specified number of trailing lines.
item.list Specifies the item-list from which to display the specified number of trailing lines. The item-list can be specified explicitly, with an asterisk, or by referencing an active list
options The following options are supported:
i Displays the Item-IDs in the output.
s Suppresses line numbers from the output.
n Number of trailing lines (where n is the number of lines) from each Item-ID in the item-list to display. If no number is specified, the default is controlled by the currently specified term-type. Note that the number of lines returned will actually be the specified number plus 1.


The example below illustrates outputting 5 trailing lines (plus 1) for each of the 3 items contained in the item-list (in this case, hot-backup, network-setup, and nt_pinfo). Since the i option is specified, the Item-ID is included in the output.

tail dm,bp, hot-backup network-setup nt_pinfo (i5

668 *
669 * -----------------------------------------------------------------
670 * Include common subroutines
671 include dm,bp,includes hot-backup.sub
672 *
673 * End

481 crt " Options:"
482 crt "   Q  : Quiet"
483 crt "   V  : Verbose"
484 stop
485 *
486 end ;* end of network-setup

344   end case
345 *
346 return
347 *
348 * [20] End
349 *