
The peqs super Q-pointer allows access to spooler jobs as if they were standard files.

Because the peqs file is a proprietary format, caution should be exercised when using the file.

The translations below are applied on both retrieval and update (note that a DLE is character 16):

Raw Job Simulated File Item
SM DLE,’_’
AM DLE,’^’
VM DLE,’]’
Note: All trailing null characters are removed when reading a job. This translation makes it easy to read, modify, and update jobs using BASIC, Editor, or the Update processor.

The copy command can be used to copy jobs into standard files for archival purposes. The delete and clearfile operations are supported, but only affect unlocked hold files (as with the associated sp-edit operation).

An update of an existing, unlocked hold job updates the job contents without changing the job number. An update of a nonexistent job creates a new spooler job with the current sp-assign options. An update of a locked or nonhold job fails and does nothing.

  • When reading an item for later update, it is suggested using readu. This operation will fail if the job is locked or not a hold file.

  • When a readu from Basic is done through the peqs OSFI driver and the spooler entry does not exist, a null spooler entry is created, the lock is set and the then clause is taken.

If the user updates the peqs item 0, then the job is respooled with the current sp-assign options to the first available entry number. The user may optionally override the current sp-assign parameters by directly following the 0 in the item-ID by the new options.

Note: There can be no spaces in the item-ID and that the sp-assign options c, i, o, rnnn, t and ? are ignored.

When using the Update processor to edit peqs items, it is suggested to use the (r option to better handle control characters and to prevent truncation of trailing attribute marks. The pseudo attributes below are defined from the peqs super Q-pointer. These attributes actually translate from the peqs item-ID into the header section of the peqs super Q-pointer (called hdr:peqs):

Job Job number.
Size Size of the spooler entry.
User User who last modified the job.
PIB PIB (Process Information Block) of the user who last modified the job.
Line PIB of the user who last modified the job.
Date Date of last modification.
Time Time of last modification.
Permissions Indicates ability to read or write a job.
Form Form queue number.
Copies Number of copies set.
Status Job status information (similar to list-peqs).
Prio Indicates printing priority within a form queue.

The spooler account holds a Q-pointer with the file definition attribute set to qs. This signals the save processor to dump the spooler header information and the spooler job itself to tape.

Tip: Print jobs can be saved by editing the dictionary of the peqs file.
  1. Log onto the spooler. For example, from the dm account, type:

    to spooler
  2. Update the dictionary of the peqs file. To open the dictionary, type:

    u only dict peqs peqs
  3. Place an S next to the Q in attribute 1.

  4. Save the item.

    Now print jobs will be saved to tape when a filesave is performed.


list peqs
Page 1 Peqs 10:57:12 12 Feb 2003
[405] 3 items listed out of 3 items.
u peqs 3 (r
peqs ’3’ size = 167
01 .:list md md (p
02 Page 1 md 10:57:59 12 Feb 2003
04 md...................
06 md
08 [405] 1 items listed out of 1 items.
peqs ’3’ size = 167 filed