nt_pinfo command

The nt_pinfo command obtains and displays information about processes (threads).


nt_pinfo {(options}


options l Displays the delta CPU usage information for any ports that have consumed CPU within the last 1 second. Useful for finding active CPU consumers.
m Displays the virtual memory size in megabytes (MB). To automatically check for this condition, schedule the nt_pinfo command to run through the background scheduler. If available memory falls below 5 MB, a warning message displays.
t Displays the sum for the Allock and CommtK columns.
u Additionally displays the user-ID in the report.
v Displays virtual memory (process virtual address space) and page file statistics. When used with the m option, the display is in MB.
z Displays all configured port, including those that do not have an associated thread.


The maximum values that display under the AllocK and CommtK columns are up to 9.9 GB of memory consumption.



PIB   ThreadId   T   User   Kernel   AllocK   CommtK   Device
====  ========   =   =====  ======   =======  =======  ===============
1*    00000460   T   0.080  0.030    947      961      537.0.0.1:2444
256   0000036c   P   0.050  0.070    3        8
273   00000370   P   0.030  0.030    3        6 

PIB Process Identification Block.
ThreadId Process location. For example: Taking the last three digits into the debugger with a thread of 01c, shows where you are in a BASIC Program at that point in time.
T Type of process attached.
  • T = telnet

  • S = serial

  • C = console

User User CPU time since thread started.
Kernel Kernel CPU time since thread started.
Allock Allocated workspace applies to user workspace in the VME.
CommtK Committed workspace.
Device Attached device.