nt_list-resizing command

The nt_list-resizing command lists the files being resized and the files that have been resized.




The nt_list-resizing command displays this information:

File File name.
Server Computer name where the file is located. This is the server on which the system thread performing the resizing is running.
OldMod Old modulo, in decimal.
NewMod New modulo, in decimal.
CurGrp Current group, in decimal, being rehashed.
Date,Time Time at which the resizing restarted. This is not necessarily the time the resize command was issued. If the server was rebooted, this is the time when the system thread resumed resizing the file.
State Displays the current state:
  • Running

  • Paused

  • Done

The state is set to Paused when a sequential access is attempted on the file. Resizing is paused whenever this type of access is done to prevent duplicates and missing items. After the sequential access is complete, the system thread resumes the resizing process within 5 minutes of the end of the sequential process.



File                     Server    OldMod   NewMod   CurGrp  Date   Time   State
===================      ========  ======   ======   ======  ====   ====   =====
tests,deepak,deepak      SRVRMAIN  1        5        5       09/20  15:38  Done