flushd command

The flushd BASIC program creates a new flush process when available buffers go below the percentage specified in criteria for the amount of time specified in interval.

For Windows: Not Supported


flushd interval criteria{(options


interval Time in seconds to wait until a new flush process is started. The process begins if the percentage of available buffers goes below the percentage specified in criteria for the amount of time specified in interval. The default is 10 seconds.
criteria Percentage of available buffers that triggers the new flush process. The process begins if the percentage of available buffers goes below the percentage specified in criteria for the amount of time specified in interval. The default is 10 percent.
options a Allows one flush process to be started. and executing. It will ignore the internal buffer check.
l Logs available buffers data to the dm,error, file.
w Monitors the write required buffers instead of the available buffers.