file-access-setup command

The file-access-setup command in the dm account provides utilities for managing file update and retrieval locks on groups of files and users.

This command provides utilities for:

  • adding, removing and viewing retrieval and update file locks (either globally on all files or on specified individual or sets of files)

  • adding, removing and viewing user keys on specified users or set of users

Note: This function was added to facilitate D3 users with a means to comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley act of 2002.



Entering this command displays the File access lock and key setup main menu. This menu provides access to the two utilities for managing retrieval and update locks and managing user keys.

File access lock and key setup
  1 Retrieval and update locks
  2 User keys
  3 Exit
View, add, remove, or search locks that restrict access to files.

Setting-Up Retrieval and Update Locks

To open the File access lock maintenance utility, enter 1 from the File access lock and key setup main menu. The following screen displays:

File access lock maintenance

Dict (Y/<N>)                    :
Account                         :
File                            :
Section                         :
Subfiles                        :
Lock                            :
Add, Remove, Search or View     :
Retrieval or Update             :

Use this utility to add, remove or view update or retrieval locks on a specified set of files.

  • Press the ENTER key after typing a value (or to leave a parameter blank) to move to the next line of the utility.

  • To exit the utility without saving your changes, press the ESC key.


Dict (Y/<N>) Setting this flag to Y affects the lock on the dictionary level. Setting it to N (default) affects the lock on the data level.
Account Name of the account that contains the files upon which update or retrieval locks are being set.
Tip: To set the lock for all files (except those in the dm account), enter mds.
File File upon which update or retrieval locks are being set.
Section Section of the specified file upon which update or retrieval locks are being set.
Subfiles Enter y to set the lock on all subfiles within the specified set of files upon which update or retrieval locks are being set. If y is specified and mds is specified for the Account parameter, then every file in the system (md, dict, and data level) will be affected.
Lock Name to specify for the lock.
Add, Remove, Search, or View Specifies the action to take on the specified files.
A Adds a lock to the specified files.
R Removes a lock from the specified files.
S Returns which files in the specified set of files contain the specified lock name. The account, file, and section of any files with this update lock are returned.
V Lists any locks that exist on the specified files.
Retrieval or Update Type of lock to add, remove, search, or view.
R Specifies a retrieval lock.
U Specifies an update lock.
Confirm Confirms the changes you made if set to Y. If set to N, moves the cursor back to the top parameter, allowing you to edit your changes.

Setting-Up User Keys

To open the File access key maintenance utility, enter 2 from the File access lock and key setup main menu. The following screen displays:

File access key maintenance

User                     :
List (Y/<N>)             :
Key                      :
Add, Remove, or View     :

Use this utility to add, remove or view user keys on a specified user or set of users.

  • Press the ENTER key after typing a value (or to leave a parameter blank) to move to the next line of the utility.

  • To exit the utility without saving your changes, press the ESC key.


User Name of the individual user or the generated list name for which a user key is being added, removed or viewed.
List (Y/<N>) Specifies whether the value specified in the User parameter is a user name or the list name for a list of users. Enter Y for a list name or N (default) for a single user.
Key Name of the key to add, remove or view on the specified users. The key name must match the lock name specified via the lock maintenance utility.
Add, Remove, or View Specifies the action to take on the specified user key for the specified users.
A Adds the specified key on the specified users.
R Removes the specified key from the specified users.
V Views the list of keys on the specified users.
Confirm Confirms the changes you made if set to Y. If set to N, moves the cursor back to the top parameter, allowing you to edit your changes.


This example illustrates the process of locking all files in all accounts for updates and then subsequently adding user keys to allow certain specified users update access to those files. This example assumes that no retrieval or update locks currently exist on any file in the system.

To set update locks on all files:
  1. Run the file-access-setup command from the dm account

    The File access lock and key setup main menu displays.

  2. Enter 1 to open the File access lock maintenance utility.

    The File access lock maintenance menu displays.

  3. Provide the appropriate values to lock all files in all accounts, then press ENTER.

    File access lock maintenance
    Dict (Y/<N>)                             :
    Account                                  :mds
    File                                     :
    Section                                  :
    Subfiles                                 :y
    Lock                                     :unlockall
    Add, Remove, Search or View              :a
    Retrieval or Update                      :u
    Confirm                                  :y

    The above parameters add an update lock named ulockall on all files in all accounts (mds).

    Now that no user has update privileges for any file, certain users must be granted update privileges to certain files. For example, let's assume that we need to grant order entry employees update privileges to the orderentry account.

  4. Enter 1 from the File access lock and key setup main menu to open the File access lock maintenance utility.

    The File access lock maintenance menu displays.

  5. Provide the appropriate values to lock all files in a specified account, then press ENTER.

    File access lock maintenance
    Dict (Y/<N>)                             :
    Account                                  :orderentry
    File                                     :
    Section                                  :
    Subfiles                                 :y
    Lock                                     :uorderentry
    Add, Remove, Search or View              :a
    Retrieval or Update                      :u
    Confirm                                  :y

    The above parameters add an update lock named uorderentry on all files and subfiles in the orderentry account. As a result, all files in the orderentry account now have two update locks set: ulockall and uorderentry

    Now that all of the appropriate locks have been set, we can grant privileges.

  6. From TCL, create and save a select-list of the users to whom you want to grant update privileges. In this case we will name that list operators.list.

  7. Enter 1 from the File access lock and key setup main menu to open the File access key maintenance utility.

    The File access key maintenance menu displays.

  8. Provide the appropriate values to grant update privileges to the order entry employees, then press ENTER.

    File access key maintenance
    User                                   :operators.list
    List (Y/<N>)                           :y
    Key                                    :uorderentry
    Add, Remove, or View                   :a
    Confirm                                :y

    The above parameters add a file access key named uorderentry to all operators provided in the list named operators.list. Since the key matches the lock name specified in step 5, the result is that all order entry employees in the operators.list are granted update privileges on all files and subfiles in the orderentry account.