end command (TCL commands)

The end command terminates a process on another port, or the current port if a port number is not specified.


end {port.number user-ID}


The end command stops processing at the previous level and returns to the preceding level TCL prompt. However, if there is an active list at the current level, then list is cleared, and control is returned to the previous level. The end command can also be used to stop a TCL command that was sent to another line by the tcl command, or to terminate a phantom job.

The end command clears an active list and requires a sys2 privilege level.

  • If the port number and user-ID are not specified, the end command stops the process on the current line.

  • If the specified process is in the debugger, the end command fails with an error message.

Warning: This can have a two-fold affect under certain circumstances. For instance, if a process is in effect at the first level, and the operator pushes a level, performs a select or some other list-producing command, then decides to abandon the list, the end command abandons the list and ends the process at level one. The way around this is by pressing ENTER at the second level prompt character, which automatically releases the active list and returns to the previous level. Using the end command on another port should be used by a system administrator only when the status of the PIB and potential problems that could arise have been assessed. The end command can generate file inconsistency errors in some rare instances.


Ends the process at the current level.


Stops the process executing on line 16, under the user-ID, dm.

end 16 dm

This kills an active list.

select dict entity
[404] 276 items selected out of 276 items.