display statement

The display statement outputs text on the screen in a macros or a Procs. If the message text is terminated by a +, the trailing carriage return is suppressed.

message.text Regular text, special characters, or any combination of them, such as these below:
@(x{,y}) Positions cursor at the specified x,y coordinates where x indicates the row position and y indicates the column position.
@(-x) Generates the corresponding video attributes. The values of x are the exactly the same as the values of the BASIC @ function.
@({x}n) Generates x carriage returns. If x is omitted, only one carriage return is generated.
@({x}b) Generates x bells. If x is omitted, only one bell is generated.
@(O[n|.x]) Generates one character whose decimal representation is n, or hexadecimal representation is x, preceded by a period. Valid values are from 0 to 254 decimal (x'00' to X'FE').
'command' Result of the execution of 'command', between back quotation marks, is substituted in place of command.


display message.text{+}


display I am ‘who‘!


I am 0 joe pa!

Clears the screen, displays the highlighted text, and suppresses the trailing form feed.

display @(-1)@(-13)main menu@(-14)+

Sends the Del character.

display Sending del: @(O.7F)