dev-make command (Windows)

The dev-make BASIC program creates devices connected to the VME. Devices can be removed with the dev-remov command.

Note: A device cannot be created if the PIB is already in use, the device does not exist or it is opened by another application.


dev-make -t type{-n number} {-a arg{,arg}}


-t type Device types.
Serial Direct serial device. The device number is the PIB number associated to the device.
PickRemote Allows sharing dedicated printers across multiple VMEs.
printer Direct Printer device. The device number is the form queue number associated to the device.
telnet Telnet port. The device number is the PIB number associated, or nailed, to the Telnet port.
SSL SSL port. The device number is the PIB number associated to the SSL port.
tape Tape device. The device number is not needed and will be ignored.
NTPrinter Shared Windows Printer process. The device number is the PIB number of the printer process.
n number Optional device number. The meaning of the device number varies depending on the device type.
-a arg {,arg} Optional device arguments. The meaning of the argument varies depending on the device type.

Device Types

The following device types are supported:


Direct serial device. The device number is the PIB number associated to the device. If no device number is specified, all devices specified in the PIB Configurations tab of the D3 Device Manger are initialized (if they are not already).

Note: On Windows, serial devices named \\.\COM1 through \\.\COM9 can be specified as COM1 through COM9. Starting at COM10, however, the full name must be used.

The device arguments are specified in the following form:

"name, baud, bits, stops, parity{,text 1{,...; text n, ...;}}"

name Device name. For example: \\.\COM1,\\.\COM2, ...;
baud Baud rate in decimal. For example, 9600.
bits Number of bits per characters.
stops Stop bits. For example: 0=1.5; 1, 2
parity One letter code indicating the parity: n = none; e = even; o = odd
text n Optional text is displayed when the device is initialized. Each comma delimited field is displayed one line at a time. An empty field displays an empty line. Spaces are permitted.


Allows sharing dedicated printers across multiple VMEs. The command has this form:

dev-make -t PickRemote -n <pib1>-a "<>, <pib2>, <delay>"


<pib1> PIB number of the source machine.
<> Remote VME computer name.
<pib2> PIB number of the master process on the remote machine.
<delay> Connect time-out in milliseconds.


Direct Printer device. The device number (required) is the form queue number associated to the device. When a process is assigned to this form queue, it spools directly to the Windows printer - bypassing the D3 Spooler.

The device arguments are specified in the following form:

"device{,page eject{,options}}"

device Printer device name (not the printer path) as defined by the Windows Print Manager (for example, HP LaserJet 4L). The printer can be a local or a network printer. Use the name of the printer under a Windows environment. Spaces are permitted. The name to use is the name that displays in the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Printers\
page eject Number of pages to eject after each job. The default is 0. Set this number to 1 for laser printers.
options s Suppress leading page eject. For laser printers, it is recommended that the page eject parameter be set to 1 when using this option.


Telnet port. The device number is the PIB number associated, or nailed, to the Telnet port. This form is used to start nailed clients. The PIB number is required. Note that the TCL exit command automatically removes a telnet device.

Nailed Clients (Reversed Telnet):

The option string specifies the server to connect to the optional dev-make arguments.

"c, host{,port{,stack{,stack...;}}}"

c Designates a Telnet nailed client (case insensitive).
host Host name, or decimal dotted address.
port TCP port number. If not specified, the default is Telnet port (23).
stack Optional stacked input. Each comma in the text is replaced by a carriage return and passed to the process as if it had been typed. If the first line starts with a \, it is treated as an argument. This field can be used to automatically log on to the process.

Nailed Servers

The option string specifies the TCP port to respond to the optional dev-make arguments.

"s, port{,stack{,stack...;}}}"

s Designates a Telnet nailed server (case insensitive).
port TCP port number. If not specified, the default is Telnet port (23).
stack Optional stacked input. Each comma in the text is replaced by a carriage return and passed to the process as if it had been typed. If the first line starts with a \, it is treated as an argument. This field can be used to automatically log on to the process.


The option string specifies the SSL port to respond to the optional dev-make arguments.


s Designates an SSL server (case insensitive).
port TCP port number.
stack Optional stacked input. Each comma in the text is replaced by a carriage return and passed to the process as if it had been typed. If the first line starts with a \, it is treated as an argument. This field can be used to automatically log on to the process.


Tape device. The device number is not needed and will be ignored. The next available device number is automatically allocated. The option string specifies the device characteristics:

"name, type{label} ,density{,blksize{,options}}"

name The tape device name must match its counterpart in the VME Tape Devices tab of the D3 Device Manger. The default is usually tape0,tape1, and so on. The device name format is \\.\tape0, \\.\tape1, and so on.
type{label} Specifies the device type which can be followed by a size label for compatibility with tapes generated on other platforms, typically a tape made on a D3 licensee's machine. For example, to read a 4mm tape made on a machine with a label size of 80 bytes, create a device with a tape type of d80.

Valid device types are:

f = floppy


d = 4mm/DAT

p = pseudo

v = 8mm/Video

h = half-inch
density Tape density.

This is required for a floppy devices. Valid options are:

q = quad (1.44)

h = high (1.2)

o = octal (2.88)

d = standard (360)

s = single (180).

For other tape devices (non-floppy), density is included for information only, not for functionality. Possible densities are:

h = high

m = medium

l = low

s = standard.
blksize Physical block size. Valid options are:
f Indicates the tape is written in fixed size physical blocks of 512 bytes. Do not confuse this option with the attached block size.
0 Indicates the tape is written in variable size physical blocks. When the block size is set to 0, the physical block size is determined by blocksize parameter specified from the t-att command.
n Indicates the tape is written in fixed sized physical blocks of n bytes. Do not confuse this option with the attached block size.
options e Indicates that the tape requires special End of Tape processing. Use only to read tapes written on non-D3 Windows platforms where the drive wrote a filemark and erased a section of tape, instead of relying on a physical End Of Tape marker.
Note: To specify an option, make sure a block size is specified, or use an additional comma as a placeholder (see the example section below).


Shared Windows Printer process. The device number is the PIB number of the printer process. All output to that PIB is directed to the associated Windows printer device. This form is used to start the D3 Pick serial printer so all the functionality of the traditional D3 Spooler can be used.

The device number and the port number specified in the associated startptr command must be identical.

The option string specifies the printer to use. Note that the page-eject or leading page-eject options are then controlled by the startptr command.

The printer device name is the name of the device as defined by the Windows Print Manager. The printer can be a local or a network printer. On Windows, the printer path name should be used. For example: \\CDR\\HP-5L

Note: Appending the printer port with ,wingdiprinter creates a Windows GDI printer. See Windows printer interface for more information.

The name to use is the name that displays in the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Printers\


The following example illustrates creating three D3 tape devices:

dev-make -t tape -a "\\.\tape0,d80,h"
(80-byte label)
dev-make -t tape -a "\\.\tape0,d50,h"
(50-byte label)
dev-make -t tape -a "\\.\tape0,d,h"
(defaults to 512)

The following example illustrates creating a pseudo tape on the C:\Temp\MyTape.D3P file. Note that the extension D3P is not required.

dev-make - t tape -a "C:\temp\MyTape.D3P,p"

The following example illustrates defining a high density quarter inch device requiring a special end of tape processing option. Note the two commas as a placeholder for the unspecified block size.

dev-make - t tape -a "\\.\TAPE1,q,h,,e"

The two commands below will start printer number 0, assigned to output queue number 2, running on PIB 5, directing all output to printer port "\\CDR\HP-5L". There will be 1 page ejected at the end of each job and s option will inhibit the initial page-eject command at the end of the print file.

dev-make - t NTPrinter -n 5 -a "\\CDR\HP-5L"
startptr 0,2,1,s5 (s

The example below uses the PickRemote device type form to send output from computer1 to a printer that has been installed on computer2:

Computer 1
dev-make -t PickRemote -n 5 -a "computer2,10,1000"
startptr 1,1,1,s5 (s
sp-assign f1

All output assigned to form queue 1 are directed to the printer printername installed on the remote machine computer2.

Computer 2
dev-make -t NTPrinter -n 10 -a "printername"
startptr 0,0,1,s10 (s


dev-make -t Serial -n 10 -a "com2,9600,8,1,n"
startptr 0,0,1,s10 (s

Printer 0 is started as usual.

dev-make arguments

The dev-make command allows stacking data to a newly created process as if a user had typed it in. The comma is a line delimiter and is replaced by carriage returns.

Valid arguments are:

\b Suppresses the break filter. The set-break TCL command and the BreakChar value specified in the D3 Settings tab of the D3 Device Manger are ignored for this process.
\e Suppresses the escape filter. The set-esc TCL command and the EscChar value specified in the D3 Settings tab of the D3 Device Manger are ignored for this process.
\s Suppresses all output. There is no way to turn the output back on.
\r Resets the port. Equivalent to an automatic reset-user when the port is started. A \r purges all stacked input (including the command string) and should be the last data in the stack. No other stacked input can be passed if this option is present.
\t Transparent mode. All characters are passed to the application. This is not the default on Telnet for which, in nontransparent mode, NUL characters are stripped and CRLF sequences are folded into one CR. Serial ports are in transparent mode by default. Note that the break should also be disabled by set-break off. Some Telnet clients cannot be used in transparent mode.