define-terminal command

The define-terminal BASIC program displays the available terminal (driver) definitions and allows changing existing definitions or adding new ones.

Each terminal definition is an item in the devices file with the terminal name used as the item-ID.

The definitions that are marked with an asterisk are also stored as items using the terminal type codes as the item-ID.

These item-IDs are used by the term command to set up terminal characteristics.

Menu Option Description
1 and 2 Requests the terminal name. If the definition for the specified terminal is on file, the definition displays. If it is not on file, the option to create a new terminal definition is offered.
3 Displays a prompt requesting confirmation of the deletion.
4 Requests the terminal name. The corresponding item in the devices file is flagged as the selected terminal type and the menu redisplays.
5 Requests the terminal name. The flag marking the corresponding item is deleted and the menu redisplays.


These terminals are defined in the devices file.

System Cursor Definition utility
Terminals marked with an asterisk are selected to be included in your system
cursor definition.
*A    ADDS580        G     GTC              M    MIME          *W    wy-50-link
*A    ADM-11         *G    IBM3161          *N   WY-100        *W    wy-50132
A     ADM3A          *G    IBM3164          *P   PERTEC        *W    wy-60
A     CIE-ANT        *G    mn3161           *Q   QVT102        *W    wy50-132
*B    AMPEX210       *G    mn3161-132       *R   R25           *W    WY60
B     BEEHIVE        H     HONEYWELL        S    ansi.c        *W    WY60.1
*B    IBM3151        I     AT.MON           *S   SOROC         x     DATAGRAPHIX
*B    ibm3151-132    I     IBM              T    TEC           *x    xterm
*B    mark           I     IBM3010          T    TV920         x     xterm-dim
*B    mn3151         *I    MM-MON           *T   TV950         Z     ANSI
C     DTC            *I    port-mon         *V   VP            Z     att605
*c    VT-52          *J    VT100            V    VP-60         Z     att705
*D    DATAMEDIA      J     vt100-dim        *V   VP-A2         Z     HFT
D     dg             J     vt320            W    link          Z     rt.console
E     EMULOG200      *K    prism            *W   link125       Z     RT.MON
E     EX-34          *L    LSI              *W   w             Z     Z
*F    TV910          *M    AMPEX-D80        *W   WY-50
*G    g              *M    AMPEX.D80        *W   WY-50-132

1)    Create Terminal Definition
2)    Modify Terminal Definition
3)    Delete Terminal Definition
4)    Add Terminal To Selected Definitions
5)    Delete Terminal From Selected Definitions

Enter Selection (1-5) or EX :

To modify your terminal, enter 2.

Modify Terminal
Enter Existing Terminal Name To Be Modified ? prism
Terminal: prism
1.  Term Type.....................   K
2.  Terminal Description..........   Prism-IV
3.  Backspace and Screen Size.....   8,80,24
4.  Cursor Address Code...........                                   A
5.  @(X,Y)                           Cursor Addressing..........    CHAR(11) Y CHAR(16) X
6.  @(-1)                            Clear Screen & Home........    FF SOH
7.  @(-2)                            Cursor Home................    SOH
8.  @(-3)                            Clear to End of Page.......    ESC "J"
9.  @(-4)                            Clear to End of Line.......    ESC "K"
10. @(-5)                            Start Blink................    ESC "B"
11. @(-6)                            Stop Blink.................    ETX HEX(20)
12. @(-7)                            Start Protected Field......
13. @(-8)                            Stop Protected Field.......
14. @(-9)                            Cursor Back................    NAK
15. @(-10)                           Cursor Up..................    SUB
16. @(-11)                           Enable Protect Mode........
17. @(-12)                           Disable Protect Mode.......
18. @(-13)                           Start Reverse Video........    ETX "D"
19. @(-14)                           Stop Reverse Video.........    ETX " "
20. @(-15)                           Start Underline............    ETX "0"
21. @(-16)                           Stop Underline.............    ETX "" ""
22. @(-17)                           Slave On...................    ETX "R"
23. @(-18)                           Slave Off..................    ETX "T"
24. @(-19)                           Cursor Forward.............    ACK
25. @(-20)                           Cursor Down................    LF
26. @(-21)                           Graphics Character Set On..
27. @(-22)                           Graphics Character Set Off.
28. @(-23)                           Keyboard Lock..............
29. @(-24)                           Keyboard Unlock............
30. @(-25)                           Control Character Enable...
31. @(-26)                           Control Character Disable..
32. @(-27)                           Write Status Line..........    HEX(E3)
33. @(-28)                           Erase Status Line..........    HEX(E5)
34. @(-29)                           Initialize Terminal Mode...
35. @(-30)                           Download function Keys.....
36. @(-31)                           Non-embedded Stand-out On..
37. @(-32)                           Non-embedded Stand-out Off.
38. @(-99)                           Embedded Visual Attributes?
39. @(-100)                          Half Intensity.............
40. @(-101)                          Full Intensity.............
Is table for terminal prism correct? y

Terminal Type A single letter which identifies the terminal to the system. The Terminal Type field in the terminal table corresponds to the single-character value typed in at the term command.
Screen Size Size of the display screen (in columns by rows). It is entered as columns,rows. If a BASIC print @() command exceeds these values, the maximum allowable value is used.
Cursor Address Code A series of characters used to denote cursor addressing, followed by the row and column of the position. Sometimes the row and column are in binary, sometimes not. Sometimes it requires column and row. Others use an ASCII code in place of binary row/column addresses. Select the method your terminal manufacturer uses:
Note: X is the X-axis, Y is the Y-axis.
a{+} Adds type addressing:
row = char(y+64)
col = char((int(x/10)*6)+x)
l{+} Lear-Seigler addressing:
row = char(y+32)
col = char(x+32)
t{+} TEC addressing:
row = char(-(1+y))
col = char(1(1+x))
h{+} Hazeltine addressing:
row = char(x)
col = char(y)
d{cr}{+} Decimal addressing. It outputs a 1-3-digit binary code (each) for row and column.
  • c specifies the number of digits to output for the column (1-3);

  • r specifies the number of digits to output for the row (1-3). If used, the code forces leading zeroes.

A d alone generates floating decimal numbers from 1 to 3 digits.

  • row = char(x) as 1-3 digits

  • col = char(y) as 1-3 digits

All cursor addressing codes may be followed by a +, which adds one the row and column addresses before generating the address codes, to take care of the terminals whose addresses starts at 0,0 instead of 1,1.
@(x,y) Cursor Addressing String of control and escape codes need to tell the terminal that a row and column address is coming up next. For example:
esc "=" y x
This is a cursor-positioning code for a Lear-Siegler terminal. The y and x is replaced by the proper ASCII codes (and is determined by the cursor address code above).
Note: @(-1)...@(-300) are explained in the topic, @() function.

Entering Values for Codes

  • ASCII codes may be entered in one of several ways:

  • ASCII strings.

  • ASCII characters are enclosed in double quotation marks, for example, "T02".

  • ASCII control codes.

  • ASCII control codes may be entered using the two or three-letter word, representing the unprintable ASCII control code:

NUL = 00 BS = 08 DLE = 16 CAN = 24 SP = 32
SOH = 01 HT = 09 DC1 = 17 EM = 25  
STX = 02 LF = 10 DC2 = 18 SUB = 26 DEL = 127
ETX = 03 VT = 11 DC3 = 19 ESC = 27  
EOT = 04 FF = 12 DC4 = 20 FS = 28  
ENQ = 05 CR = 13 NAK = 21 GS = 29  
ACK = 06 SO = 14 SYN = 22 RS = 30  
BEL = 07 SI = 15 ETB = 23 US = 31  
  • ASCII character value in decimal, which can be entered by typing the word char and in parenthesis (the decimal ASCII value (1-255)). For example, char(27).

  • ASCII character value in hexadecimal, which can be entered by typing the word hex and in parenthesis (the 1-byte hexadecimal value (00-ff)). For example, hex(1b).

  • String function—strings can be entered as a BASIC str function. For example, str("*",5) or str(char(12),x).

  • Cursor Address variable—there are three cursor address variables available: x, y, and z.

They cause the specified address (byte or decimal string) to be inserted into the control string at the specified position.

x Contains the column.
y Contains the row.
z Contains the previous row referenced in an @(x,y) code, or 0 if the last reference was an @(-1) or @(-2).

Any combination of the above may be used on a line. Different codes are separated with a space (not a comma), for example:

hex(1b) soh "1ts04"


char(27) soh "1ts04"


esc soh "1ts04"

There are other codes, which have been defined for use, but do not display in the maintenance screens. The dm,devices, device item-ID item has to be edited directly to insert these codes if they are needed.

There may be other features available only on specific terminals, and there are no existing @ function codes for them, such as uppercase on and off. To take advantage of these features:

  • ASCII sequences must be hard-coded into every program (forcing the use of that terminal forever).

  • A separate file of control codes is created (such as VT100 terminals), and referenced instead of the dm,devices, file.

  • Custom codes are added to the dm,devices, file at, such as @(-1001) and beyond.