date command

The date BASIC program returns an internal, external, or Julian date derived from a date provided, or displays a calendar for the month and year of the date provided.

Note: The date command returns a null value when an invalid date is entered.


date {date.parameter} {(options}


date.parameter Date to convert and display. It may be in external, internal, or Julian date format. If the date is not provided, the current system date is the default date.
options c Produces a calendar of the month containing the given date. The operator is then given the choices:

D = Previous Month (same year)

F = Next Month (same year)

X = Exit

Y = Previous Year (same month)

U = Next Year (same month)
j Indicates that the date parameter is a Julian number.
n Displays the calendar only when used with the c option, and does not prompt for additional options.


December 3, 2002; Tuesday internal: 12756 julian: 337

date 2/1/2003
February 1, 2003; Saturday internal: 12816 julian: 32

date 13003
August 7, 2003; Thursday internal: 13003 julian: 219

date 2/1/03 (c