copy command

The copy command copies items to an output device, to another item-ID, or to another file.


copy file.reference itemlist*{(options)}
to: {(file.reference} {itemlist}


options n Integer number that specifies the number of items to copy. Typically used for copying data for test files.
a Activates assembly mlist format.
d Deletes original source item after copying. Not valid with the t or p option.
f Outputs a form feed between each item; only valid with the t and p option.
i Suppresses display of item-IDs when copying between files.
m Activates macro (assembly) format on terminal or printer output only.
n Activates nopage function on output to the terminal; only available with the t option.
o Overwrites existing items when duplicate item-IDs exist; has no effect if used with t or p option.
p Directs output to system printer, via the spooler.
s Suppresses display of line (attribute) numbers when used with the t or p option.
s Suppresses error message display when copying between files.
t Directs output to the terminal.
u If the item-ID is in the destination file, the item is copied to a new item-ID by creating a new item-ID composed of the original item-ID concatenated with a letter, starting with a lowercase a.
x Outputs in hexadecimal; only available with the t and p option.

If an output device is not specified in the options (either to the terminal or printer), the prompt to: displays on the next line.

If copying to another file, a left parenthesis must precede the file name. A closing right parenthesis is not needed. If the file reference is not specified at the to: prompt, the items are copied to the source file.

If no item list is included, the items in the destination file are given the same item-IDs as the items in the source file.

The file reference may refer to a dictionary level by preceding the file reference with the word, DICT, followed by a space. No item list is required when the copy follows a select, sselect, get-list, or qselect (or any other list-generating process).

File-defining items are protected and cannot be copied with the copy command.


copy dict invoices (p
copy invoices * (od
to: (invoices,archive

copy dict invoices size
to: (dict sales