case command

The case command toggles case-sensitivity on the current port, or displays its present condition when used without options.


case {(options}


options f Toggles off case sensitivity.
Note: Case insensitivity is the system default.
n Toggles on case sensitivity.
s Suppresses output of the status message.

For a system to run with the ability to be case-sensitive and case-insensitive among different users, the entire operating system must be structured so that the database remains independent of case. All lookups for commands, item types, codes, so on are case-insensitive by default. This basically means that all dictionary lookups are case-insensitive.

Two macro versions of this command, case-on and case-off, are provided to direct comparisons within data files to be case-sensitive or case-insensitive.

The type of comparisons performed on data within attributes using AQL are determined by the status of the case bit.

The default is case insensitive. To remain case sensitive, add the case-on command to the user logon macro.


Displays the current state of case interpretation.

[1319] Case insensitive.

Toggles case sensitivity on.

case (n
[1318] Case sensitive.

Toggles case sensitivity off.

case (f
[1319] Case insensitive.