account-maint command

The account-maint command invokes a menu to create, modify, or delete user accounts.

The account definition item, located in the mds file, can also be updated or deleted using the Update processor. This requires a sys2 privilege level.

Note: The move-file command can be used to rename an account.



Example Menu

account maintenance workscreen
1   Account name             -Lasalle
2   Synonym account/Modulo   -19
3   Privilege level          -SYS0
4   Password                 -none
5   Accounting update        -L
6   Retrieval codes
7   Update lock codes
Enter line number to update
or functions ex-exit fi-file fd-delete

Menu Options

Account name New account name just entered.
Synonym account Name of the original (source) account, if a Q-pointer is being created.
Modulo Modulo used in creating the file for this account (d option). The default is 19.
Privilege level User privilege level. It may be sys0, sys1, or sys2.
Password Password to be assigned to this account. The password displays as ********. To delete an existing password, de must be entered. Passwords are case sensitive and can be MultiValue.
Note: The password must be entered exactly as specified, including uppercase and lowercase characters. For example, uppercase B and lowercase b are different characters.
Accounting update Can be one of these code options:
l Does not update the dm,acc, file. This is the default value.
r Invokes the user’s logon sequence whenever they type end while in the debugger. (Another way of stating this is that it restarts the user’s logon macro or menu).
u Updates the dm,acc, (accounting history) file whenever the user logs on or off.
ur Combines the effect of the u and r options.
Retrieval codes Codes granting this user retrieval permission to specified files.
Update lock codes Codes granting this user update permission for specified files.