maxusers command The maxusers command displays the number of licensed D3 users on the system, and/or sets the system in single or multiuser mode.
mirror command The mirror BASIC program attaches the current process (the master) to one or more slave processes. All characters input or output to or from the master process display on each slave process.
mlist command The mlist command produces formatted assembly source code listing of the specified item list.
mload command The mload command loads the assembled object code into the virtual memory address defined in the routine.
modem-off macro The modem-off macro invokes the xonoff command and passes it an f option. This disables x-on/x-off on the current line or a specified line.
modem-on macro The modem-on macro invokes the xonoff command and passes it an n option. This enables x-on/x-off on the current line or a given line.
monitor-status command The monitor-status BASIC program produces a snapshot listing of information related to memory-resident frames.
mono command The mono BASIC program switches output to a monochrome display from a color display, or sets the visual attributes of the monitor.
mount-cd command The mount-cd BASIC program creates a directory in Linux called /mnt/cdrom.
move-file command The move-file BASIC program moves a file descriptor from one master dictionary to another. The dictionary may be file-level, account-level (master dictionary), or system-level (master dictionaries or system).
mul command The mul command multiplies the first integer number provided by the second integer number provided and displays the result as an integer number.
mulx command The mulx command multiplies the first hexadecimal number provided by the second hexadecimal number provided and displays the result as a hexadecimal number.
mverify command The mverify BASIC program compares the assembled object code in virtual memory against the corresponding itemlist in specified file name. Any frames with mismatches are reported.