Dot stack

The dot stack displays the entries entered at TCL. Every unique command that is typed at the TCL prompt is saved in a file on the dm account called tcl-stack.

TCL stack entries can be recalled and edited using these dot stack commands:

.? Displays help.
! str Searches the stack for the first entry containing the string that it displays and executes.
.l Lists stack.
.l n  Lists top n stack entries.
.l m-n Lists stack entries m through n.
.r Displays top stack entry and allows modification.
.rn  Displays stack entry n and allows modification.
.rn/str1/str2 Replaces string 1 with string 2 in stack entry n.
.run/str1/str2 Replaces all occurrences of string 1 with string 2 in stack entry n.
.de Deletes top stack entry.
.den  Deletes top n stack entries.
.den/str Deletes any n stack entries containing a string.
.x Executes top stack entry.
.{x}n{,n} Executes stack entry n. .x pops to the top of stack.
.x name  Executes macro created by the .c command
.x Executes macro name in file.
.cn{,n} Creates macro from specified stack entries.
.con{,n} Creates macro, overwriting.