The Sample.Windows.Printer item in the dm,devices, file is a printer device driver template that controls the behavior of the various @() functions associated with Windows GDI printing.
The @(-126) function specifies the global default font. This function is also issued by AQL at the beginning of each printed report. The example below illustrates the @(-126) control string of comma-delimited fields. The c'99' field indicates the font number of the default font.
d,x'1b',x'01',x'40',c'99]125]50]0]0]400]0]0]0]1]0]0]Courier New',x'02',x'1b',x'01', x'41',c'99',x'02',<
d,x'1b',x'01',x'40',c'99] 125] lfHeight 50] lfWidth 0] lfEscapement 0] lfOrientation 400] lfWeight 0] lfItalic 0] lfUnderline 0] lfStrikeout 1] lfCharSet 0] lfOutPrecision 0] lfPitchAndFamily Courier New' lfFaceName ,x'02' ,x'1b',x'01',x'41',c'99',x'02',<
The @(-345) function creates a new local default font programmatically, during runtime. The example below illustrates the @(-345) control string of comma-delimited fields:
d,x'1b',x'01',x'40',c'99]125]50]0]0]400]0]0]0]1]0]0]Courier New',x'02',<
d,x'1b',x'01',x'40',c'99] 125] lfHeight 50] lfWidth 0] lfEscapement 0] lfOrientation 400] lfWeight 0] lfItalic 0] lfUnderline 0] lfStrikeout 1] lfCharSet 0] lfOutPrecision 0] lfPitchAndFamily Courier New' lfFaceName ,x'02',<
The @(-346) function selects a new local default font programmatically, during runtime. The example below illustrates the @(-346) control string of comma-delimited fields:
It is possible to modify the control string programmatically. The example illustrates a subroutine that allows you to change the default font in the winGDI devices file item:
subroutine winGDI_updDefaultFont.sub(deviceID,Typeface,Height,Width,Escapement, Orientation,Weight,Italic,Underline,Strikeout,Charset,Outprecision,Pitchfamily) * * Change default font in a winGDI devices file item * * Arguments: * deviceID ID of the item in dm,devices, * Typeface Typeface name of font (eg. Arial) * Height Height of character (logical units) * Width Width of character (logical units) * Escapement Angle between escapement vector and x-axis (10th degrees) * Orientation Angle between character base line and x-axis (10th degrees) * Weight Weight of font (0-1000) * Italic Italic flag (0 or 1) * Underline Underline flag (0 or 1) * Strikeout Strikeout flag (0 or 1) * Charset Character set (predefined values) * Outprecision Output precision (how close output matches parameters) * Pitchfamily Pitch and family (predefined values) * if not(assigned(deviceID)) then deviceID = "" if not(assigned(Typeface)) then Typeface = "" if not(assigned(Height)) or Height = "" then Height = 0 if not(assigned(Width)) or Width = "" then Width = 0 if not(assigned(Escapement)) or Escapement = "" then Escapement = 0 if not(assigned(Orientation)) or Orientation = "" then Orientation = 0 if not(assigned(Weight)) or Weight = "" then Weight = 0 if not(assigned(Italic)) or Italic = "" then Italic = 0 if not(assigned(Underline)) or Underline = "" then Underline = 0 if not(assigned(Strikeout)) or Strikeout = "" then Strikeout = 0 if not(assigned(Charset)) or Charset = "" then Charset = 1 if not(assigned(Outprecision)) or Outprecision = "" then Outprecision = 0 if not(assigned(Pitchfamily)) or Pitchfamily = "" then Pitchfamily = 0 * if Typeface = "" then abort "Typeface name is null" if num(Height) = 0 then abort "Height must be numeric" if num(Width) = 0 then abort "Width must be numeric" if num(Escapement) = 0 then abort "Escapement must be numeric" if num(Orientation) = 0 then abort "Orientation must be numeric" if num(Weight) = 0 then abort "Weight must be numeric" if Italic # 0 and Italic # 1 then abort "Italic must be 0 or 1" if Underline # 0 and Underline # 1 then abort "Underline must be 0 or 1" if Strikeout # 0 and Strikeout # 1 then abort "Strikeout must be 0 or 1" if num(Charset) = 0 then abort "Charset must be numeric" if num(Outprecision) = 0 then abort "Outprecision must be numeric" if num(Pitchfamily) = 0 then abort "Pitchfamily must be numeric" * open 'dm,devices,' to f.devices else abort 201,'dm,devices,' read devItem from f.devices,deviceID else abort 202,'dm,devices, ':deviceID end * tfStr = "" ;* Extract @(-126) and @(-345) attribute from item * PROGRAMMER'S If @(-126) and @(-345) string prefix in devices file * NOTE: item ever changes, make sure to change the prefix. tfStr_prefix = "d,x'1b',x'01',x'40',c'99]" tfStr_pf_len = len(tfStr_prefix) tfStr1_suffix = "',x'02',x'1b',x'01',x'41',c'99',x'02',<" tfStr2_suffix = "',x'02',<" * devItem_max = dcount(devItem, char(254)) devItem_ax1 = 0 devItem_ax2 = 0 for devItem_x = 1 to devItem_max if devItem<devItem_x>[1,tfStr_pf_len] = tfStr_prefix then tfTmpStr = devItem<devItem_x>[tfStr_pf_len+1,999] wTmpIdx = index(tfTmpStr,"'",1) if wTmpIdx > 0 then tfTmpStr = tfTmpStr[wTmpIdx,999] if devItem_ax1 = 0 and tfTmpStr = tfStr1_suffix then devItem_ax1 = devItem_x
if devItem_ax2 > 0 then devItem_x = devItem_max end end else if devItem_ax2 = 0 and tfTmpStr = tfStr2_suffix then devItem_ax2 = devItem_x if devItem_ax1 > 0 then devItem_x = devItem_max end end end end next devItem_x * if devItem_ax1 = 0 and devItem_ax2 = 0 then abort "devices item default font string not found" end * tfParmStr = int(Height):"]":int(Width) tfParmStr := "]":int(Escapement):"]":int(Orientation):"]":int(Weight) tfParmStr := "]":Italic:"]":Underline:"]":Strikeout:"]":int(Charset) tfParmStr := "]":int(Outprecision):"]":int(Pitchfamily):"]":Typeface * * if devItem_ax1 > 0 then tfStr = tfStr_prefix : tfParmStr : tfStr1_suffix devItem<devItem_ax1> = tfStr end if devItem_ax2 > 0 then tfStr = tfStr_prefix : tfParmStr : tfStr2_suffix devItem<devItem_ax2> = tfStr end write devItem on f.devices,deviceID close f.devices * SubroutineMainExit: return * * End of source
The following statement can be used in a BASIC program to call the above subroutine and change the default font:
call winGDI_updDefaultFont.sub("WIN_GDI_PRTR","Arial",205,55,0,0,600,0,0,0,1,0,0)