jobs file

The jobs file contains data for each phantom job submitted for execution.




The item-IDs is a date-time stamp. If more than one item is filed at the same time, an alphabetical character beginning with the letter a is appended to the item-ID.

The attributes in the jobs file are:

Attribute Name Description
0 id Item-ID of the jobs file.
1 Status of phantom job.
c Done
e Error
l Logoff
q Queue
r Running
s Abort
p Sched-ID
2 user User who submitted the job.
3 md Execution MD of the job.
4 command TCL command for job execution.
5 out Output status of the job:
n Spooler hold file number.
m Message back enabled.
s All output suppressed.
6 who Port number that initiated the job.
7 start Date the job was actually started.
8 start Time the job was actually started.
9 tcl-command TCL command for job execution.
11 pcb-fid Process control block (PCB) frame-ID of the job.
12 pib Process identification block (PIB) or port number where the job is running.
15 stopd Date the job terminated.
16 stop Time the job finished.

The phantom scheduler keeps two queues in the dictionary of the jobs file:

%Q Contains all jobs waiting to run.
%R Contains all finished jobs not yet released back to overflow.

The dictionary of the jobs file also contains an item called %P that consists of a list of phantom PIB status bytes.