The iomap-file file defines the one-to-one keyboard input and output translation used by the set-iomap command.
The data section of the file contains items that define the character translation. The dictionary level contains binary items that are compiled by the set-iomap command when used with the c option. The items in the dictionary have the same item-IDs as the corresponding items in the data section, except that the (dictionary) items are preceded and followed by a % (percent sign).
Each item in the data section contains up to 33 attributes. Attribute 1 is used for comments. Attributes 2 through 33 contain data for the actual character translation. Each attribute consists of 8 characters (32 x 8 = 256, the number of characters in the ASCII set). ASCII characters 0 through 7 (in hexadecimal) are stored in attribute 2. Characters 8 through 16 are stored in attribute 3, and so on. The set-iomap command reads a specified item from the iomap-file file and converts the ASCII characters into binary equivalents, and then writes the item to the dictionary level of the iomap-file.
set-iomap 1234 (c
Assume that there is an item in the iomap-file file that contains the following:
Item-ID: 1234 1 This is just a comment. 2 0001020304050607 3 08090a0b0c0d0e0f . . . 9 6061626364656667 10 68696a6b6c6d6e6f 11 7071727374757677 12 78797a7b7c7d7e7f . . . 33 f8f9fafbfcfdfeff
This translates the characters A through Z into a through z. All other characters remain the same. The resulting item, %1234% is written to the dictionary of the iomap-file file.