File-of-files file (VME)

The file named file-of-files contains statistical information for each file on the system. Whenever a file is created, restored, or deleted, this file is updated.







Items are created in the file-of-files file when a file is restored or created.

The item-IDs are sequential file numbers assigned when the file is created.

The numbers of the files are determined by the order in which they are restored or created.

When a file or account is restored, the files are recreated in the order in which they were saved on the file-save media.

The file-of-files file is also used to locate files on the disk during restores from incremental and transaction-log tapes.

File number one is always the VME file-of-files file and file number two is always the mds file.

The item restored, contained in the dictionary of the file-of-files file, contains the time in attribute 1 and the date of the last full restore in attribute 2. This item should not be deleted or modified.

Note: The data-level of the file-of-files is DX’d. This cannot be changed. Thus, this file is not saved during a file-save.

The attributes in the file-of-files file are:

Attribute Name Description
0 f-fms Total number of frames in the primary file space as of the last file-save.
f-size Total number of bytes in the primary file space as of the last file-save.
file# Item-ID assigned in order in which the file was created.
t-frames Total number of frames in the file space as of the last file-save.
stat.acc Sum of all reads and writes.
stat.ovf Sum of all overflow group accesses.
sug.mod Suggested modulo for this file, based on file-of-files information.
1 md Name of the master dictionary that owns the file.
2 file-name File name stored in the master dictionary of the account.
3 data-name One dictionary may have many subsidiary data files, each with its own unique name. The default data section name is identical to the file name as stored in the master dictionary.
4 base Base of file.
mod Modulo of file. The number of contiguous frames comprising the primary file space.
modulo Modulo of file. The number of contiguous frames comprising the primary file space.
5 items Total number of items (including pointer items) in the file from last file-save.
6 ptr-items Number of pointer items saved in last file-save.
7 ovf-itms Number of item that were partially or wholly stored in secondary file space during the last file-save.
8 bytes Total number of bytes in the file as of the last file-save.
9 ptr-bytes Total number of bytes in all pointer items as of the last file-save.
10 frames Total number of frames in the file as of the last file-save (not including index frames).
11 ptr-fms Total number of frames of pointer items as of the last file-save.
12 svdate Date when file was last saved.
13 reel# Number in a multireel file-saves where this file begins (Tape, diskette, and so on).
14 seq# Decimal sequence number indicating the order in which the file was saved on the file-save media.
15 opendate Date when file was last opened (update at save-time).
16 stat# Number of last file-save on which this file was saved.
17 mask Masks desired operations from being logged in attributes 18-20. Currently supported masks are:
c clear file
d delete-file
18 file-code Controls attributes 19 (timedate) and 20 (user). Valid file statuses are:
c clear file
d delete file
n new file
r rename file
t restored from tape
19 timedate Time and date when the file activity occurred. This attribute is dependent on attribute 18 (file-code).
20 user User-ID concatenated with account-ID causing the associated file action. This attribute is dependent on attribute 18 (file-code).
21 dx/dy-date Date when dx/dy file was skipped on save.
22 indx-fms Number of index frames
25 save-list Contains list of specific items to be saved for this file. Used to selectively save items in a file. Each item name is a value. To save all items in a file, use an asterisk (*).
29 Contains the date when the file access statistics were last cleared.
30 stat.rdu Number of readu operations on the file.
31 stat.rdub Number of blocked readu operations on the file.
32 stat.rdul Number of readu locked operations on the file.
33 stat.rdulb Number of blocked readu locked operations on the file.
34 stat.rdptr Number of pointer items read.
35 stat.rd Total number reads on the file.
36 stat.wtu Number of writeu operations to the file.
37 stat.wtb Number of blocked writes to the file.
38 stat.wtptr Number of pointer items written.
39 stat.wt Total number of writes to the file.
40 stat.sel Total number of selects on the file.
41 stat.dels Total number of deletes to the file.
42 stat.clr Total number of clear-file operations on the file.
43 Total number of opens on the file.
44 stat.ovf Read overflow group accesses.
45 stat.wtovf Write overflow group accesses.
46 read-date Last date the file was read.
47 write-date Last date the file was written.
60 Seg.Bas Segment bases for resized files.
61 Seg.Mod Segment modulos for resized files.