u91 user exit

The u0091 user exit reads and writes D3 shell variables.


oconv("", ’u0091’)
oconv("var.name", "u0091")
oconv("var.name^var.value", "u0091")
oconv("var.name]", "u0091")


  • The first form returns a list of all active user shell variables (not including their values).

  • The second form returns the value of a specific variable.

  • The third form sets the value of a specific variable. Note that unlike the retrieval forms, the user should avoid the @$ prefix before the variable name. The ^ symbol indicates an attribute mark.

  • The fourth form deletes a shell variable. As with the third form, the user should avoid the @$ prefix before the variable name. The ] symbol indicates a value mark.

This user exit is used by the TCL set, unset, and penv commands.