%fopen() function

The %fopen() function opens the host OS file designated by str and associates a stream with it.


stream = (char*)%fopen(str, type)


str Specifies the file to open.
type Character string having one of these values:
r Opens for reading only.
r+ Opens for update.
w Truncates or creates for writing only.
w+ Truncates or creates for update.
a Append. Opens for writing at the end of file or creates for writing.
a+ Append. Opens for writing at the end of file or creates for update.


The stream is returned as a pointer to a character or 0 if an error occurred. system(0) contains the error number.

Note: In D3, files are closed automatically when the FlashBASIC programs terminate. However, it is strongly recommended that you close all descriptors explicitly.


if stream=0 then
   crt ’Cannot open stream. errno=’:system(0)