compare statement

The compare statement compares two dynamic arrays.


compare str.exp1 to str.exp2{present var1} {missing var2}


str.exp1 String whose elements are to be compared with str.exp2.
str.exp2 String whose elements are to be compared with str.exp1.
present var1 At completion, contains a list of elements that exist in str.exp1 and in str.exp2.
missing var2 At completion, contains a list of elements that exist in str.exp1 but do not exist in str.exp2.


The compare statement scans through each element in str.exp1 to verify if that element also exists in str.exp2. At completion, var1 contains a list of elements that exist in str.exp1 and in str.exp2. At completion, var2 contains a list of elements that exist in str.exp1 but do not exist in str.exp2.


str1 = "a":@vm:"b":@vm:"c"
str2 = "a":@vm:"d":@vm:"e"
compare str1 to str2 present x missing y
print "Result of x = ":x
print "Result of y = ":y

This outputs the following:

Result of x = a
Result of y = b]c